'From' Season 3 Episode 4 Recap: Ventriloquist Dummies Have No Right To Be That Creepy

Editor's note: The below contains spoilers for From Season 3 Episode 4.

The achingly familiar scene of a fallen tree and a murder of crows hails the screen in the opening sequence of From Season 3 Episode 4, "There and Back Again." We all recognize this as the doomed entrance of the hellish town no one can escape from, and this is the second time that Tabitha (Catalina Sandino Moreno) has seen this. However, she is not as clueless as the first time around in the RV with her family — this time, a horrendous sense of dread befalls her, and she kicks up a storm. The ambulance that picked her and Henry (Robert Joy) up after their accident is filled with paramedics who simply believe she is insane and tell her to pipe down. Just like clockwork, they decide to search for another route to the highway only to approach Fromville. At night.

Tabitha Returns to Town in 'From' Season 3 Episode 4

While everyone is shacked up at home for the night, Jim (Eion Bailey), Ethan (Simon Webster), and Julie (Hannah Cheramy) receive another sinister phone call from a spirit impersonating their deceased baby brother, Tomas. This time, he warns them about Tabitha returning to town in an ambulance, and lo and behold, a wailing ambulance comes barreling into town. Before anyone can react, Ethan immediately takes off, sprinting onto the streets unarmed. Boyd (Harold Perrineau) and Randall (A.J. Simmons), who are sharing the bus to observe the night creatures, quickly grab the young boy and return to the house. The adults stage a rescue for the ambulance occupants, though they are hesitant because the creatures aren't exhibiting their usual behaviors that night. When they leave, Julie confides her fear in her little brother, and they agree to take care of each other in a heartwarming moment.

Meanwhile, two of the paramedics unknowingly exit the vehicle to help a woman who is sprawled in the middle of the road. In a scene we all saw coming, the two would-be saviors are viciously murdered by the feigning creature. The third occupant, who is a cop (Samantha Brown), handcuffs Tabitha to the inside of the open ambulance and joins her comrades, where she soon discovers that bullets don't stop these creatures. Completely panicked, she runs away towards Colony House. Finally, Boyd, Randall, and Jim reach the vehicle, and their jaws promptly drop as they are met with the ghostly sight of Tabitha. Randall runs to the bus to grab a toolbox to unlock Tabitha from her handcuffs, but on the way back, he is flanked by four creatures and a storm of cicadas that remind him of being trapped in the music-box-induced coma of Season 2.

While Randall is fighting for his life, Boyd searches for the van's keys, only to turn around and see a creature holding it. Wearing that insanely unsettling smile, the creature forces Boyd to choose between the keys and Randall's life. Psychological torture has found new levels. In an absolutely heart-breaking moment, intensified by the unbearable pressure, Boyd chooses the keys. And Randall is sacrificed. They make it to Colony House, where disaster has struck. The runaway cop had kept shooting her way to the house, mindlessly aiming and eventually hitting one of the house's occupants, before she is let in by a bunch of hostile and accusatory faces.

'From' Season 3 Episode 4 Sees Victor Confronting His Trauma

Avery Konrad as Sarah in From S3E4
Image via MGM+

Remember that one flash of a scene in From Season 3, Episode 3, where Victor (Scott McCord) barges into Sarah's (Avery Konrad) house and demands to build a fort? Turns out he wants to construct a safe space to recall the memories of the events that led to everyone in town dying that fateful night. He believes too much is changing in their creepy pocket of the universe; it's also the first time it has snowed in the countless years he has lived in the town. As such, he needs to remember, in hopes of preventing a similar catastrophic outcome and protecting the citizens he has grown to love. Or at least, grown accustomed to.

The reason he approaches Sarah at her home is twofold. When he was a child, he, his mother, and his sister used to live in the same house. Gathering the bedding from upstairs, he recalls sleeping there with his sister. But he wants to build the fort in the basement because that is where scary stories are told. Additionally,he is about to confront memories he has buried and feared for a long time, and he would prefer to face them alongside the scariest person in town: Sarah. She is the town's resident serial killer. The choice does end up being beneficial, as when the memories become too difficult to face, Sarah reminds him they can't hurt him, especially with her by his side.

Victor has a briefcase filled with trinkets that were owned by people he used to know in town — essentially morbid souvenirs from that death-laden night. He recalls each person as he picks up each object, then realizes that there is no object to commemorate Christopher. He remembers that Christopher used to make everyone laugh, mainly through his puppet, Jasper, which is used for ventriloquism. But Christopher slowly stopped making the townsfolk laugh, as he began to see a strange symbol — just as Jade (David Alpay) is doing now. One of Victor's memories includes the bizarre scene of Jasper speaking to Christopher without being controlled. As such, Victor comes to the awful and spine-tingling solution to figuring out why everything is changing: they need to talk to Jasper.

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Has Jim been right this whole time?

Jade Reveals His Hallucinations in 'From' Season 3 Episode 4

David Alpay as Jade and Chloe van Landschoot as Kristi in From S3E4
Image via MGM+

After dragging the injured Kristi (Chloe van Landschoot) to the hut at the homestead, the group bunker down for the night, distracting themselves by talking. Jade opens up about the hallucinations that have plagued him ever since he saw the strange symbol. He tells them about the staring man who was drinking blood from a skull, causing him to run away in the previous episode of From. He also reminisces about Tian Chien (Elizabeth Moy) and how she gave him a notebook to scribble the symbol he was obsessed with.

Kenny (Ricky He) reveals that Tian Chien had always liked Jade, leading to a peaceful moment between the three as they recall the tough love they received from the motherly figure of the town. But the emotionally charged moment is disrupted by noises outside the hut: banging and creaking alongside it. Though they have a talisman in the makeshift home, waves of uneasiness and fear rush through the group at this unknown force in this unfamiliar place. Kristi then brings up a chilling question: "Are you sure those things you saw today were hallucinations?"

The Psychological Torture Ramps Up in 'From' Season 3

When Boyd, Jim, Tabitha, and Henry reach Colony House, the place is in absolute disarray as Kristi's fiancé, Marielle (Kaelen Ohm), is trying to tend to the woman who was shot. Marielle successfully removes the bullet from the woman's abdomen and there are a few minutes of relief. Soon thereafter, the patient dies, sending even more waves of hopelessness throughout the crowd. Frustrated and fueled with adrenaline, Boyd tries to have a go at the cop who shot her but is dragged away by Donna (Elizabeth Saunders). Both us and Boyd are bracing ourselves for another Donna-lecture, but recoil in surprise as she melts down. There is nothing more demoralizing than seeing the steadfast and headstrong Donna sob in Boyd's arms, and he feels this devastating impact too.

The residents of the house are also tumbling with the tumultuous energy. Elgin (Nathan D. Simmons) desperately avoids sleep, but his reality is breaking apart as the kimono-wearing woman who haunts him during his sleep is somehow materializing in his waking hours too — but this time, she asks for help. Tillie (Deborah Grover) tells Fatima (Pegah Ghafoori) that the black bird that crashed into the house during their tarot reading was likely a bad omen — Donna also scolds them for messing with spiritual things in this twisted dimension. And Fatima's pregnancy cravings have escalated from dead vegetables to dead humans, as she is left alone with the corpse of the woman and is inexplicably drawn to it. She sticks her finger into her bullet wound and licks the blood with pure ecstasy written on her face.

If things aren't strange enough in Colony House, From adds another twisty narrative beat that emphasizes how merciless this season is. Boyd and Donna look out the window at night after hearing an echoing thud. Slumped on the bonnet of the ambulance is Randall — and he is still alive. He gasps weakly into the night, leaving horror plastered over Boyd's face as the creatures' method of psychological torture taps into a new kind of sadism.

The first four episodes of From Season 3 are available to stream on MGM+ in the U.S.


From Season 3 Episode 4 ratchets up the stakes, tension and emotion as each powerful beat demands our attention.

  • Mesmerizing performances by From's cast tug at our heartstrings and dry up our throats in fear.
  • Each satisfying revelation conjures up more questions, keeping our investment and intrigue at an all-time-high.
  • Deliberate storytelling makes each loud and dramatic beat of this episode distinct and powerful.

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