Harry Potter: Dobby's Best Quotes, Ranked

Certain stories, be it novels, television series, or movies, have characters who are not the protagonist that stand out from the rest, becoming fan favorites. This happens for many reasons, be it unique looks or impactful dialogue. Either way, they can captivate the viewer with little screen time. When this occurs in a franchise, especially one packed with storytelling, it is quite extraordinary. Dobby, the freed house elf, is one of the examples of doing such a thing in the Harry Potter franchise.

Harry Potter has been a cultural phenomenon since the first book was published in 1997. Since then, apart from the six sequels, there have been eight movies, three theme parks, and three movies from an expanded universe. And recently, a reboot of the original story in the form of a television series was announced. While the harmful conceptions and actions won't be tolerated, including by the creator of this magical world, it is impressive what this story and characters achieved – more recently, despite such comments.

Dobby, who was voiced by Toby Jones, stole the viewer's hearts from the first scene he was in. Here are some of the best quotes he said in a surprising eleven minutes of screen time in the entire series.



7 "Harry Potter! Such an honor, it is."

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
Warner Bros. Pictures

Dobby's first line in the movie happens when the audience and Harry (Daniel Radcliff) meet him for the first time in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Jumping up and down on Harry's bed, he turned and bowed to the then 12-year-old wizard. This introduction couldn't be more in tune with the character: it's silly yet filled with kindness.

The moment enchanted everyone who watched the movie. A character's first impression is crucial to the everlasting feeling it evokes. Treating Harry with such respect after he has been treated with disrespect and abuse for so long was the perfect introduction to Dobby.

6 "Listen… listen, terrible things are about to happen at Hogwarts. Harry Potter must not stay here, now that history is to repeat itself."

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
Warner Bros. Pictures

The central mystery of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was who was the Slytherin heir and where the monster Salazar Slytherin was created. Shockingly, Dobby knew much more than he let on. He had this grand plan to prevent Harry from attending Hogwarts that particular year, including enchanting the ball that almost killed him in a Quidditch match. In the scene at the infirmary, this quote adds to the narrative's tension and dread and informs the character's ability to execute an intricate plan.

5 "Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir, but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard! Like an equal."

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
Warner Bros. Pictures

This line is also in the first dialogue Dobby has with Harry. His vocabulary and the simple act of sitting down to converse as equals come with such gratitude and estrangement to Dobby that it just tells everything the character and the audience need to know about him. It is, at first, weird how he interacts with Harry, but it is also fascinating to watch this strange creature. He garners empathy from the audience from the first scene, and that feeling only grows the more screen time he has.

4 "Dobby never meant to kill! He only meant to maim, or seriously injure."

dobby best harry potter character
Warner Bros. Pictures

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1, Bellatrix (Helena Bonham Carter) and the Malfoys trapped and tortured the leading trio. Dobby appeared and saved the day. He unscrewed a huge chandelier and almost fell on Bellatrix, who had a knife to Hermione's (Emma Watson) throat. The characters then get out of the grip of the Death Eaters. Bellatrix is enraged and yells at Dobby, saying he could have killed her. His response was this funny line. The levity it brought to the scene a few moments before a tragedy happened was much needed.

3 "You shall not harm Harry Potter!"

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
Warner Bros. Pictures

While the quote may appear to be a more forgettable one, what Dobby does in the scene is what makes it stand out. After Dobby was freed, Lucius Malfoy (Jason Isaacs) was furious at what Harry was done; he tricked him into giving Dobby a sock. Dobby noticed Lucius was about to get violent and placed himself between Harry and his former master.

He then said this line, and when Lucius was about to do using the Killing Curse on Harry, Dobby used his power and pushed him away from them. The amount of courage needed to do it shows how much of a kindred spirit Dobby is.

2 "Dobby is… free."

Harry-Gives-Dobby-A-Sock-Chamber-Of-Secrets (1)
Warner Bros. Pictures

Dobby's condition as an enslaved elf demonstrates a darker side of this magic-filled world. At the end of the second movie, when Dobby does everything he can to help Harry, the protagonist has to do the same. Harry placed one of his socks inside Lucius' book.

Lucius then gave it to Dobby. Harry urged the house elf to open the book, and that was when he saw the clothing inside, the only form of freeing him. "Master has given Dobby a sock. Master has presented Dobby with clothes. Dobby is… free." One of the most heartwarming moments of the franchise revolves around freedom and empathy, which Dobby overflows with.

1 "What a beautiful place… to be with friends. Dobby is happy to be with his friend… Harry Potter."

harry potter dobby best character
Warner Bros. Pictures

One of the saddest moments of the Harry Potter series showcased how gratuitous the violence and brutality in this world were as an innocent house elf was caught in the crossfire. It's one of those moments the viewer never saw coming, which still hurts all these years later. After he saved the main characters, Dobby's death was in tune with the character's values — even if all fans would agree that he should have been spared.
