9 Times Jedi Knights Fell in Love and Broke the Rules

Throughout the Star Wars franchise, the Jedi Code has been one of the biggest influences on the fate of the galaxy. Though love and attachment are strictly forbidden in the Jedi Order, even the most disciplined Jedi struggle with this. A very notable, masked ex-Jedi’s affair with a senator is largely responsible for the rise of the Empire that lasted most of the duration of the Skywalker Saga.

However, the majority of these forbidden Jedi relationships reveal just how cruel it is to ban the Jedi from being able to care for and love others deeply. Riddled with passion and tragedy, the relationships listed show just how complicated it can be to follow the Jedi Code and resist temptation when faced with galactic wars and turmoil.

9 Obi-Wan and Satine

Obi-Wan and Satine's romance is one of the most popular and tragic relationships in the entire Star Wars franchise. Introduced in Dave Filoni's animated series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the two meet when Obi-Wan is just a padawan. With Qui-Gon, he was protecting the future Duchess of Mandalore, Satine. This connection was so deep that Obi-Wan admitted in "Voyage of Temptation" that he would have left the Jedi Order if Satine had asked.

This tension continues, as Obi-Wan is unwilling to break the code, and Satine holds her pacifism dear to her heart. However, their relationship comes to a tragic end when Darth Maul takes over Mandalore in "The Lawless." Darth Maul kills Satine in front of Obi-Wan, just like Maul had done with Qui-Gon. Though someone Obi-Wan loved and cared for was yet again killed, he still managed to exhibit his powerful restraint that kept him loyal to the Jedi Order for his entire life.

8 Anakin and Padmé

Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala's forbidden relationship is by far the most famous and impactful romance in all of Star Wars. Their relationship becomes the focal point in Episode II - Attack of The Clones and Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. Anakin's possessiveness and love for Padmé are what ultimately causes his transition into Darth Vader, along with the help of the manipulative Palpatine.

The two go as far as getting married, and, of course, giving birth to Luke and Leia, who end up saving the galaxy from the dark side's hold initiated by their own father, Anakin. Anakin's fall to the dark side even ended up killing Padmé in the end, as she died from anguish while giving birth to the twins.

Palpatine is ultimately to blame for Anakin's spiral, as he used Anakin's own nightmares about Padmé dying to fulfill his own prophecy and create Darth Vader by manipulating Anakin. However, Anakin and Padmé's love ends in redemption, as Darth Vader returns to the light side as he dies by Luke Skywalker's side.

7 Quinlan and Asajj Ventress

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Random House Worlds

Though not very well-known among passive fans, the forbidden relationship between Quinlan Vos and Asajj Ventress is one of the most rebellious relationships in Star Wars. However, it's not a very surprising combination, since Quinlan Vos is notorious for being a rule-bender and a morally gray Jedi. In the Clone Wars, even Obi-Wan admits he is incredibly grating to work with. Likewise, Ventress is a sith who finds herself in a morally gray area as well, as she betrays her own master, Dooku, after his own betrayal against her.

In Christie Golden's The Dark Disciple, a relationship blossoms between Asajj and Quinlan, as they both share a common enemy, Count Dooku. They create a plan to assassinate him, and they quickly fall into a passionate relationship. This love runs so deep that she even dies in order to save Vos in the novel from Dooku's force lightning. However, her death eventually guides Quinlan Vos back to the light side.

6 Qui-Gon and Tahl

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The forbidden relationship between Jedi Masters Qui-Gon and Tahl is first introduced in the Jedi Apprentice series. They met as initiates in the Jedi Order, and they grew closer through their ascent to Knighthood and then Masters. They even pledged their lives to each other, and Qui-Gon was gifted a Mustafar diamond ring. Later in his Jedi career, Qui-Gon broke off their relationship for the sake of the order.

On a mission gone wrong, Tahl becomes blind and becomes the librarian for the Jedi Order considering her immense knowledge of history and the force. The two still remained heavily connected even after their "break up," and Qui Gon was able to be there at her deathbed after she was killed on a mission on New Apsolon. Qui-Gon had not approved of the mission beforehand with her safety in mind. Nonetheless, she died in captivity at the hands of Chief Balog of New Apsolon.

5 Kit Fisto and Aayla

Kit fisto and Aayla
Dark Horse Comics

Featured in Tides of Terror, a comic series written by Milton Freewater Jr., Kit Fisto and Aayla fall in love while stationed on Kamino. They were tasked with investigating the mysterious death of clones on the planet. While fighting the perpetrator, Kuma Nai, Aayla is knocked off the platform and into the ocean. Kit Fisto jumps in to save her, and in quite the cliché manner, he kisses her to allow her to use his breath to keep herself from drowning while in the water.

This event causes Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura to become extremely close, and a romantic relationship quickly occurs after the mission. However, the romance is short-lived, as Aayla decides that the Jedi Order and self-discipline are more important than the tryst with Kit. Unfortunately, any possibility of the relationship rekindling is sadly impossible, due to the pair dying because of Order 66.

4 Quinlan and Khaleen

Introduced in Star Wars: Legends and subsequently moved to the canon in 2015 in the Card Trader mobile app, the relationship between Quinlan Vos and Khaleen Hentz is one of the "happier" tales in the franchise. Khaleen Hentz was hired by Count Dooku as a separatist agent tasked with investigating Quinlan Vos. Before her spying days, she was a professional thief for the separatists, and she was a part of the Disciples of Psusan. Like Ventress, she was very morally gray within her alliances, as she was just trying to survive.

As a spy, Khaleen was undercover and pretended to be in love with Quinlan. However, Khaleen started to actually fall for Quinlan, so she confessed her love and became an agent for Quinlan instead. The relationship is one of the longer-lasting ones in Star Wars history, as the two eventually get married after the rise of the empire, and they have a son.

3 Obi-Wan and Siri

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Obi-wan Kenobi's emotional restraint is continually being tested, and this isn't any less true for his budding relationship that he had with Siri Tachi in his youth. The relationship was introduced and explored in the Jedi: Apprentice series while under the guidance of Qui-Gon Jinn, and Siri under her master, Adi Gallia, the two padawans had a friendly rivalry. However, this evolved into romantic feelings as they grew older. This was fully realized when Siri had a near-death experience during a crash landing on Quadrant Seven.

After the mission, they discussed their connection and realized it was better for the Jedi Order if they refrained from acting on their feelings. They still remained very close friends for a time after. However, this came to an end while on a mission to Azure, where Siri was shot by Magus. Siri died in Obi-Wan's arms, just like Qui-Gon and Satine. Again, this proved Obi-Wan's overwhelming resilience in the face of loss.

2 Luke and Mara

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Random House Worlds

Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade's romance was introduced in the Thrawn trilogy. In the series, it is revealed that Mara Jade grew up a servant to Palpatine, and that she was basically groomed to be the Emporer's Hand. Mara Jade is eventually out to kill Luke Skywalker, as she blames him for the death of her master, Palpatine.

However, Mara Jade falls in love with Luke Skywalker after a period of them being sworn enemies. They even get married later in the trilogy, and she becomes a Jedi herself after years of just being force-sensitive.

Mara's story of redemption only adds to Luke Skywalker's legacy of helping those who are lost find their own redemption, no matter their past transgressions. Luke is also shown that there is more to life than the Jedi Order and being a hero, and he learns to enjoy his life as well. Though the relationship is apart of Legends, and it isn't technically canon, it's still a forbidden romance that has shaped Luke Skywalker in comic renditions.

1 Avar and Elzar

Avar and Elzar
Random House Worlds

In the slow-burning High Republic series, Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann are two Jedi Masters who were often mysteriously connected. It isn't until The High Republic: Temptation of The Force and the Rising Storm, that these romantic feelings are fully realized.

Elzar continuously has premonitions of doom, which in turn reveals that Avar is the one he really cares for. With these visions, and his already complex relationship with the order, Elzar's feelings cause him to falter. Avar, however, is strictly bound to the Jedi Code. Though the feeling is mutual, it becomes clear that Avar will never compromise herself or her values, at least not currently. This leaves the relationship unresolved, but the tension remains clear throughout the novels.
