The 21st Century's Best Horror Movie Endings (So Far)

What makes a horror ending good? Is it the way questions are answered? Or is it the lack of answers? Is it the way characters meet their demise? Or how the conclusion frames their end in a way so horrible that not even your imagination can help provide proper closure? There are several ways to end horror stories, and there isn't a formula for the right ending. But one thing's for sure: a good horror ending is the one that makes you think for days about the movie you just saw because good horror movies are about emotional imprints. The good ones are the ones you never forget.

The following is a list of horror movie endings that range from the controversial to the beautiful. These movies stayed with you because they were the icing on the cake of a riveting horror experience you will probably have a hard time forgetting. If we add the fact that these are exclusively from the 21st century, then it gets more interesting, as modern horror is a great example of artistic evolution that has expanded toward the ugly, the weird, and the terrifying.

20 Saw (2004)

Release Date
October 1, 2004

In Saw, two strangers wake up in the dirtiest bathroom ever. They're chained to the pipes, and between them, there's a dead holding a gun. Their clue is from a tape recorder that tells Adam to survive, while Dr. Gordon must try to kill Adam. They also find hacksaws, but they're not for cutting the chains. At the same time, we are treated to a parallel story in which police detectives are trying to hunt down a serial killer who subjects his victims to clever games of torture that they can survive if they make a sacrifice.

A Powerful Character Reveal

In the ending, Dr. Gordon has chopped off his own foot out of desperation for what he hears is happening on to his wife and daughter on the other side of the line. He's able to grab the gun from the corpse between them, and he shoots Adam. Zep, who is revealed not to be the killer but another one of Jigsaw's victims and who we had thought was supposed to kill Gordon's family, arrives to kill Gordon, but Adam gets to him first and bludgeons him to death.

As Gordon leaves the room and Adam listens to one final tape, the corpse in the middle of the room stands up and makes the ultimate revelation: this is the birth of a sick individual who fooled an entire horror generation. The ending of Saw is still one of the best twists in modern horror, and it paved the way for a franchise that would always depend on a final twist for its ending, even if nothing as impactful was achieved since.

19 Hereditary (2018)

Release Date
June 7, 2018
Ari Aster

In Hereditary, the Grahams are going through grief over the passing of their matriarch. Annie, wife and mother, sees her world shaken as her mother suddenly dies, but tragedy strikes again: Charlie, her youngest child, dies in a horrific accident. This is when eerie stuff begins happening, and Annie seeks answers by trying to contact Charlie in the afterlife. Something replies.

A Bold Plot Shift

In the third act, Peter, Annie's other son, suffers from an attack by an unseen entity. Annie and her husband, Steve, are also victims of the strange force that has now invaded the Graham household. The film's conclusion is the downfall of a family already struck by tragedy. When Peter wakes up and finds his house completely empty, a now-possessed Annie crawls across the walls, defying gravity.

Steve's ashes lie in the ground, and Peter is driven to the treehouse, where Annie's headless body floats. As he enters, he realizes there's a cult worshiping him as the vessel that the demon will now possess. A family tradition started by the matriarch now seals Peter's fate as he wears the crown of King Paimon. The ending dared to flip the entire movie on its head.

18 Speak No Evil (2013)

Speak No Evil
Speak No Evil
Release Date
March 17, 2022
Christian Tafdrup
Morten Burian , Sidsel Siem Koch , Fedja van Huet , Karina Smulders , Liva Forsberg

Speak No Evil tells the story of Bjørn and Louise, a Danish couple who meet another couple while they're on vacation with their daughter Agnes in Tuscany. They hit it off with Patrick and Karin, who, like Bjørn and Louise, have a young child, theirs named Abel. The Dutch couple invites Bjørn and Louise over to their rural house, and after some thought, they decide to accept the invitation.

When they arrive, strange things begin happening, and very quickly, they realize not everything is as perfect as it seems with Patrick and Karin.

The Perfect Display of Nihilism

In the conclusion, Patrick and Karin are revealed to be a pair of killers who have targeted Bjørn and Louise since meeting them. Their goal is to take Agnes from them, and Bjørn discovers this when he finds young Abel dead.

In a grueling scene inside a car, the girl is taken from the couple, and they never see her again. Minutes later, Patrick takes them to a construction site, where they are stoned to death. Agnes' tongue gets cut just like Abel's, as Patrick and Karin go on vacation again to find another couple. The lack of hope is just heartbreaking, and Speak No Evil ends up being a shocking display of pure nihilism at the hands of killers who kill for the sake of killing.

17 The Others (2001)

The Others
The Others

A remake of the 2001 horror film starring Nicole Kidman.

Release Date
August 10, 2001
Alejandro Amenábar

The Others is the story of Grace Stewart, a soldier's wife who lives with her two children in the countryside in the mid-1940s. Someone knocks on her door, and it's a trio of strangers who are just looking for work. Grace accepts their offer, as it's not easy raising children in the absolute dark: they're photosensitive and can't bear the sunlight on their skin. Anne and Nicholas, the children, but also their mother, begin experiencing strange phenomena in their old dark house. Apparently, something wants them out.

A Beautiful Surrender

The modern Gothic classic ends with a twist. The spirits lurking in the house, who we all thought were very hostile, are revealed to be something else. In shock, Grace sees how her employees approach her and reveal something shocking: Grace and her children are ghosts, and the entities are actually the living trying to drive them out of the house.

In a warm embrace, Grace holds her children while accepting that her reality means having to spend the rest of eternity behind these walls. Fortunately, the children are able to see out the window for the very first time in a captivating ending to a very scary film.

Best Western Horror Movies, Ranked

Merging the Western genre with horror movies is rare, but when attempted, the results are often unique. These are some of the best.

16 The Dark and the Wicked (2020)

The Dark and the Wicked is the story of Louise and Michael, two siblings who come back home to their farm in Texas after finding out their father is about to die. However, their mother doesn't look happy at all and rejects their visit. That very same night, she hangs herself.

As the days go by, the siblings experience strange events: visions, death, and what appears to be possession by a demonic entity. Louise and Michael realize they can't trust anyone in this forsaken place, as the demon can take over anyone.

The Darkness of the Soul

The ending shows the demonic entity wreaking havoc on the minds of everyone present on the farm. When a nurse arrives on the farm to care for their father, Michael is shown to be gone to check on his wife and daughters. Louise has stayed behind, but then the nurse stabs herself and tries to kill her. When Michael arrives at his home, he sees his wife and daughters have been brutally killed in an apparent murder-suicide event. He has no other option but to commit suicide, and right as he cuts his throat, he realizes there are no bodies. It was all an illusion by the entity.

At the farm, Louise witnesses her father's death and falls victim to the demon's attack. It's a horrific display of chaos, perfectly cut together by a filmmaker who knows how to hit a nerve and make you lose a couple of nights' sleep.

You can stream The Dark and the Wicked on Shudder.

15 The Witch (2015)

The Witch
The Witch
Release Date
January 27, 2015
Robert Eggers

The Witch takes place in the 1600s in New England when a family of English settlers is forced to leave their community because of a religious dispute. William, the patriarch, moves his family to the middle of nowhere, where they settle and start their new lives all over again. Thomasin is the teenage daughter who's forced to look after her siblings and face the wrath of her orthodox father, who doesn't understand the strange phenomena surrounding them.

Things take a horrible turn when the young Caleb gets bewitched by a beautiful and mysterious woman living in the middle of the woods. Thus begins the corruption of the family.

The Realization of True Self

The third act of the film sees the family fall prey to the unknown entity. William finds the mauled animals on the farm, and he blames Thomasin for the events. Her hands are bloody, but she doesn't remember anything. When Black Phillip, the goat, kills William, Katherine, the mother, blames the teenager for everything. The girl kills her mother in self-defense.

Completely hopeless and alone, Thomasin seeks comfort in the goat, who turns into Satan and offers her the opportunity to live without restraints. When Thomasin accepts, she enters the forest completely naked and finds a coven of witches.

As she levitates, laughing and celebrating, we witness the birth of the woman she was always meant to be. The Witch dares to change our perspective of what we had thought would happen to Thomasin. Her innocence isn't typical of the young child who finds a haven in the "opposite." But her transformation is beautiful and eerie, and it serves as a perfect ending to the best folk horror film in recent years.

14 Martyrs (2008)

Release Date
September 3, 2008
Morjana Alaoui , Mylène Jampanoï , Patricia Tulasne , Xavier Dolan

Martyrs is the story of Lucie, a young woman who breaks into the home of a family and kills them all. She calls Anna, another orphan who grew up with her and who has since become her most loyal friend. Anna arrives and sees the chaos of Lucie's acts, but she also finds that Lucie suspects there's someone else inside: Another woman inside the house who is trying to kill Lucie. Confused, Anna decides to help her friend clean the crime scene and ask questions later.

The Truth We'll Never Know

In the French import, Lucie is revealed to have hallucinated with the other woman and has decided to kill herself. Anna witnesses this and decides to look for answers in the house owned by those who tortured Lucie as a child. But Anna is captured by strangers who arrive at the house.

The leader explains to her that their goal is to create martyrs to discover what lies in the afterlife. So far, all victims have died before explaining what they saw in the ultimate act of physical suffering.

Anna is tortured beyond belief and flayed alive. When it seems that the goal has been reached, she whispers to the leader what she is seeing. They have reached their goal, and as the leader prepares for the announcement, she decides to kill herself. The secret still lies with a catatonic Anna. It was the extremely jarring ending to a film that had already been a horrific experience in the genre.

You can stream Martyrs on Tubi.

13 REC (2007)

Release Date
November 23, 2007
Manuela Velasco , Ferran Terraza , Jorge-Yamam Serrano , Pablo Rosso , David Vert , Vicente Gil

In REC, a TV crew is recording a live show in Barcelona at a local fire station. At first, they just document the dynamics of firefighters on the night shift, but suddenly, they get a call, and Ángela and Pablo jump at the chance to ride with them. They arrive at a building where an old lady is seemingly trapped in her apartment, but the police are already there.

However, the crew witnesses the lady biting the officer's neck in full zombie mode, and the building gets quarantined. They are trapped with a horrific disease that seems to be spreading.

The Power of an Image

The ending sees Ángela, Manu, and Pablo going up to the top floor, where, apparently, they will find all the answers. They find all sorts of religious items, including a tape recorder with a message that explains what is going on: Tristana Medeiros is a girl who was demonically possessed, and Vatican scientists were able to isolate the virus that caused it. The problem is that the possessed girl is inside the apartment.

Seconds after, we see, in found footage mode, what used to be the Medeiros girl. Now, it's a monstrosity with giant proportions, and she's very hungry. Smelling intruders, the Medeiros girl breaks everything as Ángela listens to the monster that kills the rest and drags her away from the audience's POV.

It was a mix of sound, images, special effects, and the occasional cleverness of found footage. It made REC an unforgettable horror experience with one of the most disturbing horror endings ever shot.

You can stream REC on Shudder.

12 The Orphanage (2007)

the orphanage
the orphanage
Release Date
May 20, 2007
Belén Rueda , Fernando Cayo , Roger Príncep , Mabel Rivera , Montserrat Carulla , Andrés Gertrúdix

The Orphanage sees Laura and Carlos returning to the orphanage where Laura grew up. Their boy, Simón, is HIV positive, and they intend to raise him in the huge manor and reopen it as a house for disabled children. But the boy begins showing signs that he's communicating with an entity in the house, and during a party, Simón disappears.

As Laura investigates the apparition of a boy with a very creepy mask, she finds out that it may have to do with her past in the orphanage. The couple seeks the help of a medium in order to find Simón, but soon they realize a horrible tragedy took place in the past when a woman poisoned all the orphans.

A Compelling Conflict Resolution

Laura is left alone to keep looking for Simón after the experience with the psychic reveals the orphanage's dark past. She tries to contact the spirits of the dead children, who guide her to a room she didn't know existed. There, she finds Simón's body and realizes that in her desperation, she unintentionally blocked the entrance to the secret room, and the boy was locked inside forever.

In absolute shock, she decides to overdose herself, as she's unable to continue living with the secret of causing her boy's death. But she pleads for a reunion with Simón, who finally comes out with the other children, as they all become ghosts in the orphanage.

An endearing ending to a Gothic, this time Spanish, horror film, one which perfectly concludes a story about grief and the ultimate act by a loving mother who can't possibly comprehend she may be to blame for the death of her own child.

11 The Mist (2007)

Stephen King's The Mist

Based on Stephen King's novella of the same name, The Mist is the story of residents in Bridgton who gather themselves to look for supplies after a thunderstorm destroys the whole town. When David Drayton is ready to check out and return home to his wife, he notices a mist has surrounded the supermarket. In a state of panic, the clients try to leave, but David and his boy stay behind, and they see how the victims who dare step outside are killed by otherwordly creatures who appear to live in the mist.

The One That Dared to Make a Horrible Decision

The ending of the movie sees David, his son Billy, Dan, Amanda, and Irene, being able to get inside David's car and leave the parking lot. The first thing David does is go home where his wife lies dead.

The group sees a Lovecraftian creature the size of a building walking past them and decides there's no hope for them. They die by suicide, with David in charge of killing them before killing himself. The problem is that after killing his own son and the rest, David sees something in the mist: a group of soldiers has now arrived, and the world hasn't ended. In shock, David screams as he realizes that he could have waited a little longer.

Needless to say, The Mist has one of the most discussed endings in horror history because many think it wasn't necessary. It was the screenwriter's choice to provide a grim ending, as the original novel doesn't end that way. It ends with the group seeing the monster and hoping for a better outcome.

You can stream The Mist on Netflix.

10 The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

The Cabin in the Woods
Release Date
April 12, 2012

The Cabin in the Woods tells the story of college students who decide to do what every party in a horror film does on a getaway trip: they go to a remote cabin in the middle of nowhere. Dana, Jules, Curt, Holden, and Marty arrive, and at the same time, corporate workers in an underground facility control whatever takes place above ground.

This includes drugging them and manipulating them to become perfect horror victims. When the zombies show up, Jules gets killed, and Marty is taken. Curt and Holden also die, and Dana becomes the final girl in what seems to be an experience of real horror tropes.

Recognizing the Audience's Role in Horror

In the third act, Marty is shown to still be alive and joins Dana. They find a passage to the underground level, where they find horror monsters trapped in cages ready to be released. They decide to release them, and the underground facility becomes a slaughterhouse.

Dana and Marty find The Director, who tells them that they are in an ancient temple where humans are sacrificed to ancient deities. If there are no ritualistic sacrifices, the gods will get mad. If rules aren't followed, something bad will happen. Dana and Marty realize humanity is not worth saving as a giant hand arises and destroys everything in its path.

If you're still doubtful about what the ending means, think for one minute who gets mad when horror films don't follow the rules. Exactly, the audience. The gods that will destroy everything in their path if horror rules aren't complied with.

9 Gerald's Game (2017)


In Gerald's Game, Jessie and Gerald decide to spend a romantic weekend in a lake house in the middle of nowhere. The getaway turns into a fetishistic game led by Gerald, who handcuffs Jessie to the bedposts. But things don't exactly go right, and they start discussing. The problem is that Gerald has a heart attack and dies on top of Jessie.

This is the beginning of her ordeal. One in which no one hears her screams for help, a dog appears in the room, and she starts hallucinating about her past.

The Nightmare is Actually True

Not only does Gerald's Game depict what made the film unfilmable at some point, but Mike Flanagan takes the game one step further with a graphic image of how Jessie is able to release herself. The woman "degloves" her hand, peeling away the skin, and as she tries to run in shock, she encounters the humanoid man who had appeared in her nightmares. After leaving her wedding ring for him, she finally makes it out.

But it doesn't end there. Police can't find her wedding ring, and contrary to her testimony, Gerald's body was mutilated. That's when she finds out the man from her nightmares is actually a serial killer who stalked her at night and licked her feet when she was trapped.

A final confrontation in the courtroom makes her the winner, but by this point, we in the audience are already traumatized by the horror of seeing how her nightmare became true, and the monster in the dark was actually a very dangerous individual who decided not to kill her.

8 The Invitation (2015)

the invitation

The Invitation tells the story of Will, a young man who has started his life all over again. He convinces Kira, his new girlfriend, to join him at a dinner party hosted by his ex-wife and her new husband. Others will also come to the party, and Will knows them from his tragic previous life. Will behaves erratically, but it's not for nothing. He witnesses strange behavior by the host, and the new people he doesn't know. Unfortunately, he doesn't think of leaving what will ultimately become a party he shouldn't have attended.

The Scope of Horror

After the hosts reveal they are part of a cult that helps people deal with grief, the attendees are unsettled. Will realizes the ones that never arrived at the party may have met their demise. He fears they will be poisoned in one last toast and smashes the glasses.

Chaos ensues, and the survivors realize they have witnessed a suicide cult in their last act on this plane. When they go outside and see the rest of the Hollywood Hills, they see other houses have also hung a red lantern, just like the one the host David had hung.

The ending reveals the scope and magnitude of the cult, and it's done in such a subtle way. Will's wit was an exception, and the other victims have probably fallen prey to the views of a sick cult.

7 Krampus (2015)

Release Date
November 26, 2015

In Krampus, young Max has trouble in the days leading up to Christmas. He still believes in Santa Claus, but his dysfunctional family doesn't exactly care for his views. They are planning a Christmas Eve party, which more family members will attend. Max's cousins mock him as they read the letter Max wrote to Santa. Angrily, he rips it apart.

This starts a chain of events in which the town gets hit with an unexpected blizzard. The family gets trapped, and strange creatures begin arriving, the legendary German monster Krampus among them.

A Perfect Conclusion to a Comedy Horror Film

In the film's conclusion, we find that Krampus arrived because of Max's horrific loss of Christmas spirit. Some of his family have been taken by the creatures surrounding the home, and Max attempts one last sacrifice. Krampus disregards him and throws him into a fiery pit to die.

But then Max wakes up. Apparently, it was all a dream, and his family is doing great on Christmas morning. He goes downstairs and finds them unwrapping presents. When he opens one of them, he recognizes something from his dream. His family also realizes something is off.

As the camera pans out, we see their house trapped in a snow globe among thousands of snow globes, all controlled by Krampus. It's the perfect tragic ending to a film that, up to that point, had been generally more funny than scary.

6 The Lodge (2019)

The Lodge
The Lodge
Release Date
January 16, 2020
Severin Fiala , Veronika Franz

The Lodge is the story of the siblings Aiden and Mia, who are grieving the loss of their mother, Laura. Laura has decided to commit suicide after her estranged husband and father of the children, has decided to marry Grace, a woman he has just met. Richard believes his children are still in need of a mother figure, so he plans to spend Christmas with Grace and the three of them in a remote cabin.

When Richard is forced to leave them because of a work issue, creepy things begin happening in the cabin. The power goes out, and they're left in the extreme cold without any food. Even the cell phones stop working and they can't go out because the weather is too severe.

The Gut-Punch No One Saw Coming

In the third act, it's revealed that the children are behind the spooky events. They have manipulated Grace into thinking she's going insane and have brought back memories from when she survived a religious cult in the past. When they try to restart the generator, it's to no avail, and Grace's spirit seems to be completely broken.

They witness her breakdown as she insists they must sacrifice something for the Lord. Luckily, Richard comes back and finds the children completely terrorized by a now-unstable Grace. She manages to kill him and convinces herself she's already a spirit in the afterlife. In the final scene, we see the children at the dinner table, sitting beside their dead father. They each have duct tape reading "sin" over their mouths, and Grace sings a religious anthem while preparing to kill them.

It's a horrific ending to an already disturbing film that, after a certain point, doesn't stop to let its characters take a break. The Lodge is a great example of psychological descent into a dark plane.

You can stream The Lodge on Kanopy.

5 Midsommar (2019)

Release Date
July 3, 2019
Ari Aster

In Midsommar, Dani is going through grief. Her sister has killed her parents in a murder-suicide act that can't be explained, and Dani is unable to cope with such a horrific act. Her boyfriend, Christian, seems to join her, but he's emotionally distant. Sometime later, Christian and his buddies are invited by Pelle to go to Sweden to a summer festival in the community where he grew up. Christian has no other choice but to invite Dani, whom he had intended to break up with.

The group arrives, and from the start, they realize nothing is like it seems in the idyllic community that stands in the middle of nowhere. Elders committing suicide, the strange behavior of the commune members, and the different roles each of them takes in the celebration.

Justice Is Served

Christian was never supposed to stay with Dani, who has now taken a more prominent role in the community. The rest of the group are either missing or have been killed by some of the commune members. Dani is crowned May Queen, and Christian is taken to impregnate a teenager. When he realizes he may be part of something very dark, he attempts to escape, but he's caught.

The film's final scene shows Dani selecting the final human sacrifice to the gods. It's either Christian or a random commune member. As she cries in despair, she starts smiling when the house where Christian sits burns to the ground. The film's ultimate display of catharsis is poetic and almost sublime.

10 Best Horror Mockumentaries of All Time

Horror isn't exactly real. But in the case of the best horror mockumentaries ever, they're so well made that you'll believe it is.

4 Inside (2007)

Also known as À l'intérieur, Inside tells the story of Sarah, a pregnant woman who has survived a car crash where her husband has died. On Christmas Eve, she decides to be alone in her house because she doesn't feel like celebrating anything. But suddenly, someone knocks on the door. It's a woman who says she needs help, but Sarah lies and tells her her husband is asleep.

When the woman replies she knows Sarah's husband is dead, Sarah decides to call the police. Ultimately, she breaks in and reveals she just wants to take Sarah's unborn baby.

A Villain's Gory Victory

After a long series of brutal attacks (Inside is extremely gory and one of the most violent films of the New Extremity movement), the woman reveals she was also in the car crash that killed Sarah's husband, and she has lost her baby. Now she wants Sarah's as a replacement.

Police officers have arrived, but in confusion one of them attacks Sarah. Her water breaks and the woman defends her and kills the officer. As the birth becomes imminent, Sarah asks the woman for some help, but the only chance the baby has is for her to open up Sarah's belly and perform a C-section. Sarah dies from the procedure, and the woman holds the baby in her arms and begins to rock him.

Inside's ending comes as a break after the wild ride that is the film. It's a weird breath of fresh air after the harrowing experience that is one of the most violent films in modern cinema.

3 The Borderlands (2013)

In The Borderlands, also known as Final Prayer, Vatican researchers Gray, Deacon, and Mark go to the English countryside to investigate a 13th-century church. There have been reports of paranormal activity in the surroundings, and they realize it may have to do with an old spirit being disturbed during the church's reopening.

The men investigate and record some footage that shows objects moving by themselves and strange guttural sounds. Eventually, they find the church has access to an underground chamber, and the door has pagan symbols. Perhaps the place isn't as sacred as they thought.

A Literal Descent Into...

In the third act, the Deacon asks for help from the Vatican. He insists the church needs to be purified by someone of higher rank. A priest reveals the church is located above a pagan temple where human sacrifices were made to an ancient deity. A last act of exorcism is useless, and only Gray and Deacon remain.

The two men decide to go inside the underground chamber and find the remains of human sacrifice. They find Mark is trapped somewhere inside, so they go deeper and deeper, until they reach a narrow tunnel that has a funky smell and begins moving. The men realize that they have accessed a living organism, and they're being digested by what could only be the ancient deity. As the enzymes start dissolving their bodies, they scream in terror.

The ending of The Borderlands rightfully proves that found footage horror movies are not all about the disturbing imagery or the scares. They can also be about well-written stories that can end as originally as this one.

2 Eden Lake (2008)


In Eden Lake, Jenny and Steve decide to spend a romantic weekend in the countryside on Eden Lake. But when they arrive, they realize the area is being invaded by rebellious teenagers who don't exactly have respect for grown-ups. Their trip becomes a nightmare when their supplies are taken, and the place where they set up camp has been thrashed. Steve's scorn for misbehaving youths is well justified as the teenagers reveal they won't stop until they get their fix.

The One That Made Everyone Afraid of Their Own Shadow

The ending of 2008's Eden Lake is a collection of imagery you will probably never forget. Jenny and Steve are subjected to torture, both physical and mental. Eventually, Steve dies from his wounds, but Jenny is able to escape to the nearest town. When she enters a home where adults are having a party, she faints. When she wakes up, she realizes that the adults are the teenagers' parents, and they won't let her go. The last thing we hear from Jenny is her wailing screams.

The great thing about Eden Lake's ending is that it's one of those movies that could have gone an easier road and ended things better, at least for Jenny. But director James Watkins insists on the unfiltered version, and delivers an unforgettable conclusion that's likely to make more than one couple cancel their trip when they see the film.

1 Hunter Hunter (2020)

Hunter Hunter
Hunter Hunter
Release Date
December 18, 2020
Shawn Linden
camille sullivan , Summer H. Howell , Devon Sawa , Nick Stahl , Gabriel Daniels , Lauren Cochrane

In Hunter Hunter, Joseph lives with his wife Anne and their daughter Renee in the middle of nowhere. They survive as fur trappers in the wilderness, and living off the grid has proven to be positive for Renee, who has learned her father's ways. Joseph notices a wolf may have been eating their animals and decides to hunt it down.

Instead, he finds the bodies of several women who appear to have been killed in a ritual. Joseph decides to hunt down the killer but vanishes. Anne and Renee find no one able to help them find Joseph. They find Lou, a photographer who indicates he was attacked by a wolf. When Anne decides to care for him, she also discovers that Lou may have killed Joseph.

Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Cold-ish

Lou ultimately captures Anne. She made the mistake of leaving him with Renee while she went looking for Joseph, and now the serial killer is trying to kill her. She's able to escape and closes an animal trap on his face. The problem is that she finds he has already killed Renee.

The police are on the lookout and come upon the ritualistic crime scene. Meanwhile, Anne decides to avenge the death of her family and hangs Lou like an animal. She flays his body head to toe while he's alive. The brutality of Hunter Hunter's ending is unexpected as it is graphic. But it's the right amount of nihilism a soulless killer deserved.
