32 Best One-Liners From The Ocean's Eleven Franchise

If you look at lists of George Clooney’s best movies or Brad Pitt and Matt Damon’s greatest work, without a doubt Ocean’s Eleven will be on all of them. The same can be said for the rest of the stellar A-List cast that includes Julia Roberts, Casey Affleck, Andy Garcia and many, many more, and it’s easily some of director Steven Soderbergh’s finest work. It’s so good, in fact, the remake ended up getting two sequels – Ocean’s Twelve and Thirteen, plus the female-led Ocean’s Eight almost two decades later. This fast-talking, smooth world of heists and crime is irresistible, and today we’re talking about the best quotes from this beloved franchise. 

George Clooney in a dark room in Ocean's Eleven.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"Why do it? Because yesterday I walked out of the joint after losing four years of my life and you're cold-decking 'Teen Beat' cover boys. Because the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes, the house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet big, and then you take the house."  -Danny, Ocean’s Eleven

When Rusty asked Danny why they needed to do this heist he gave the great speech above. What makes it even better is it’s followed by Pitt’s character asking if Clooney’s has “been practicing” his speech, to which Danny responds with “A little bit, did I rush it?”

George Clooney standing in front of a lot of red lights in Ocean's Thirteen.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"Well, first, I know all the guys you’d hire to come after me, they like me better than you. Second, you’re not gonna go to cops. Well, let’s face it, you’re not going to go to the cops. Third, you shook Sinatra's hand. You should know better, Willy." –Danny, Ocean’s Thirteen

Once Danny exacts his revenge on Willy Bank and bests him, he says this great line, which ends with him bringing it back full circle to the Frank Sinatra line that Reuben said to Al Pacino’s character at the beginning of the movie.

Don Cheadle, Matt Damon and Scott Caan all standing each other with thier hand to their chin deep in thought.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"Who died and made you Danny?" –Turk, Ocean’s Twelve 

Linus really tried to take on more of a leadership role in this movie, and the boys didn’t take it lightly, hence this sassy line from Turk that came after basically everyone else got arrested. 

Sandra Bullock's reflection in a dirty mirror.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"So whatever happens tonight, I want you to remember one thing, you are not doing this for me. You are not doing this for you. Somewhere out there is an 8-year-old girl lying in bed, dreaming of being a criminal. Let's do this for her." -Debbie, Ocean’s Eight

In the quiet moment right before the heist began, Sandra Bullock looked at herself in the mirror in a public bathroom and said this motivational, yet funny, monologue to herself. Everyone needs a pep talk, and this was Debbie’s. 

Brad Pitt leaning on a table in his arms, George Clooney is sitting up straight behind him.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"You think we need one more? You think we need one more. Alright, we’ll get one more." -Danny, Ocean’s Eleven

The boys had their crew of ten assembled, however, they were questioning if they needed one more. That, my friends, is how Matt Damon comes into the Ocean’s 11 cast as the young pickpocket Linus. 

Brad Pitt and George Clooney sitting in a crowd of people looking up.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"We got a grease man." -Rusty, Ocean’s Eleven

As Danny and Rusty search for their grease man, Pitt’s character takes Clooney’s leading man to the circus. That’s where they find Yen, and Rusty couldn’t have been happier to hire him. 

Matt Damon talking on the phone during a shaky moment in Ocean's 13.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"The specs aren't on the gray market, the black market or any other market. And all I keep hearing is there's never been a system like this. Now, I found out where they designed it, but I can't even get in the building! I've blown all my buy money, my bribe money, four of my best ID's and I am nowhere! Not only am I nowhere, I'm pretty sure I'm being followed." –Linus, Ocean’s Thirteen

While walking through their plan with Roman, Rusty says the security in this casino is “spooky.” 

Then, while on the phone with Danny, Linus confirms that as he shares that what they’re trying to figure out is the Greco while noting that he’s been having a really hard time. 

Sandra Bullock sitting in the passenger seat of a car looking to her left.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"If you're going to have a problem with stealing, then you're not going to like the rest of this conversation." -Debbie, Ocean’s Eight

Debbie and Lou’s relationship is very reminiscent of Danny and Rusty. And just like the boys’ first scene in Ocean’s Eleven, Sandra Bullock’s first interaction with Cate Blanchett’s character does not disappoint.

George Clooney with facial hair in prison in Ocean's Eleven.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"She already left me once. I don’t think I’d do it again just for kicks." -Danny, Ocean’s Eleven 

Ocean’s Eleven opens with Danny Ocean in a hearing about whether or not he’s likely to commit a crime again if/when he gets out of jail. After explaining that his wife Tess left him, he gets asked if she’ll do it again, and he quips back the great line above. 

Brad Pitt holding a cell phone up to his ear in Ocean's Eleven.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"Mr. Benedict, you can lose $80 million secretly or $160 million publicly. It’s your decision. [Rusty puts his phone down and looks at Tess] Hi." -Rusty, Ocean’s Eleven 

This line hits so hard because it’s one of the big moments where it becomes clear that these guys are going to pull off the heist. What makes it even better is that as Brad Pitt’s Rusty is talking to Andy Garcia’s Terry, he also just casually says hi to Julia Roberts’ Tess in the middle of it all. 

Roman looking up and scared in Ocean's Thirteen.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"You're analog players in a digital world. You're done." – Roman, Ocean’s Thirteen

Once Roman finds out that the Greco is the issue Rusty and Danny are running into he’s quick to tell them that this heist is out of their league. As much as he likes them, this is too much, and it’s too technological for these “analog” players according to him. 

Brad Pitt looking at Matt Damon in Ocean's 12.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"You’re gonna ask me a question? Give me time to respond, unless it’s rhetorical in which case the answer is obvious: yes." – Rusty, Ocean’s Twelve 

One of the most fun dynamics in Ocean’s Twelve is between Rusty and Linus. Seeing Brad Pitt act as Matt Damon’s reluctant mentor is so silly, and fun, and it’s moments like the one above that I get a great chuckle out of. What makes it even better, is when Linus started to ask his question about Tess looking like Julia Roberts, Rusty stopped him, saying he could never ask about that. 

Julia Roberts looking forward in Ocean's 11.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"You of all people should know Terry. In your hotel, there is always someone watching." - Tess, Ocean’s Eleven 

As one of their final tricks, the boys make it so Tess hears Terry betray her. So, when she runs into him, she makes sure he knows that she’s leaving and that it’s 100% his own fault. 

Casey Affleck talking during a team meeting in Ocean's 12.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"It just hurts, you know, because it seemed like we all agreed to call it ‘the Benedict job.’ I mean that’s what we called it when we were doing it. If you wanted to call it something else all along then…" – Virgil, Ocean’s Twelve

When the boys found out that the job they pulled off in Ocean’s Eleven was named after Danny Ocean, they weren’t thrilled. While many of them lamented to George Clooney’s titular character during their first team meeting, Affleck’s disappointed words as Virgil were top-tier. 

George Clooney walking out of prison in Ocean's Eleven.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"Ted Nugent called, he wants his shirt back." -Danny, Ocean’s Eleven 

After Danny gets out of jail a second time, Rusty comes to pick him up. Of course, the movie ends on a classic Pitt/Clooney back and forth. So, once Rusty says he hopes Danny was a groom since he left prison in a tux, Danny ribs his friend with the line above. 

Andy Garcia talking to a group of people. There are two people seated on either side of him, and Casey Affleck is standing behind him.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"I’d like to say a few words about commitment, about honor, about responsibility, about a very special someone and admitting to her. Get up. Pull the chair out. Admitting to her, in front of everybody, that her wedding, and that very special honeymoon trip to Epcot Center, will have to be postponed." -Terry, Ocean’s Twelve 

When Terry Benedict starts to make his visits to the boys at the start of Twelve, he does a good job of intimidating them all. However, one of the most memorable moments was when he showed up to scare the brothers Virgil and Turk Malloy, who are played by Casey Affleck and Scott Caan, respectively. 

Elliot Gould with a cigar in his mough in Ocean's Eleven.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"What? Did you guys get a group rate or something?" - Reuben, Ocean’s Eleven

Once the crew is assembled, they all head to Vegas and meet at Reuben’s swanky house. What makes this scene iconic is that when most of the guys show up at the same time, Elliott Gould’s rich character quips this hilarious line.

Julia Roberts sitting in the backseat of a car wearing a big black hat. Matt Damon is sitting in the car in front of her.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"‘I,’ ‘I wasn’t in Four Weddings and a Funeral.’ Just protect your fake baby." -Linus, Ocean’s Twelve

As Tess, Linus and co. make their way into the hotel, with Tess pretending to be Julia Roberts, she starts getting overwhelmed by all the paparazzi around them. Then, when Linus told her to calm down and think about the great rom-com Four Weddings and a Funeral, she reminded him that the actress was not in that movie, to which Damons’ character had this hilarious response. 

Matt Damon looking nervous while standing behind George Clooney who also looks nervous and is holding a remote.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"You lose focus in this game for one second…" -Linus // "I know, and somebody gets hurt." - Danny, Ocean’s Eleven 

Picture this, Linus and Danny are almost in the vault and they’re trying to detonate the explosives to get in, however, the clicker isn’t working. So, in the midst of this high-stakes heist, they have a humorous back and forth about preparation, focus and batteries. 

Cat Blanchett comforing Helena Bonham Carter (who is crying) in Ocean's 8.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"[Sobbing] I'm old, and I'm going to prison. Then I'm going to be really, really poor." -Rose, Ocean’s Eight

Helena Bonham Carter’s role in Ocean’s 8 is so fun, and it’s because she’s quite dramatic and extra. No line proves that better than one where she was lamenting to Debbie and Lou after her fashion show. 

Matt Damon saying he has an idea in Ocean's Thirteen.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"Well, we've shaken all the trees, we've looked under every rock, we’ve searched…I mean, we've talked to everybody we can trust. I know it's not a great idea but it is an idea and as long as we have one idea we shouldn't give up." – Linus, Ocean’s Thirteen 

Right when the boys are on the verge of failure, and they’re out of ideas, Linus thinks up one, and Danny wonders if he really means it. Well, it’s desperate times, so yes he really meant it when he suggested that they contact Terry Benedict, their nemesis from the first two films. 

George Clooney holding his hands up while Julia Roberts looks at him with mad expression.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"[Slaps Danny] That is for keeping me in the dark. [Punches Danny] That is for making me a master thief. [Elbows Danny] And that is for ruining our second third anniversary." – Tess, Ocean’s Twelve

After everyone gets cleared and out of jail, Tess has a very reasonable reaction to it all as she slaps, punches and elbows Danny once they’re in the cars leaving. 

Cate Blanchett and Anne Hathaway looking forward smiling while wearing sunglasses in Ocean's 8.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"I couldn't even hear myself think. You know, five women in one cell. So I got myself thrown in solitary for a little peace and quiet, and that's where I finally came up with it." -Debbie, Ocean’s Eight

As you likely know, like Ocean’s Eleven, Ocean’s Eight begins with our master planner getting out of prison. It quickly becomes clear that Debbie has been scheming the whole time she’s been in the clink, and once she got herself “thrown in solitary” she could really cook on her plan. 

Andy Garcia in Ocean's Thirteen.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"Number one: if any of you try to screw me, you'll be dead. I'll be looking in on the operation just to make sure. Number two: I'm your senior partner, which means last money in, first money out and you will double my investment." –Terry, Ocean’s Thirteen 

Enter Terry Benedict, AKA, Andy Garcia’s bad man from the first two movies. However, this time, he’s the thirteenth member, and he’s actually helping Linus, Danny, Rusty and co. as they try to take down Willy Bank and avenge Reuben. As they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. 

Carl Reiner as Saul in Ocean's Twelve.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"I want the last check I write to bounce." –Saul, Ocean’s Twelve  

The late great Carl Reiner played Saul, and he wanted to go out on top with his money in Ocean’s Twelve! While he eventually does come back to help the crew, this moment where he walks out with his head held high is pretty epic. 

Sandra Bullock looking at Cate Blanchett with her arms crossed and a serious expression in Ocean's 8.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"A him gets noticed, a her gets ignored. For once, we want to get ignored." –Debbie, Ocean’s Eight 

While Debbie and Lou are putting their team together, Lou runs the idea of hiring a few guys by her. However, Sandra Bullock’s character makes a point that’s both sad and useful at this moment: they don’t want to be seen, they are actively trying to get ignored, and it works in their favor. 

Brad Pitt looking at someone in Ocean's Eleven.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

After Danny gets out of jail and meets up with his pal Rusty Ryan, and Brad Pitt’s character jokes around with his pal by asking if he got the sweet treats he sent while he was in “the clink.” 

From left to right: Matt Damon, George Clooney and Brad Pitt all sitting around a blackjack table.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"No, Dad. It will work. [Danny puts his hand out for the phone] No Dad, I won't put Danny on. [Rusty puts his hand out] Or Rusty." – Linus, Ocean’s Thirteen

In a heated phone call with his father, Linus pushes back against his parent – who is later revealed to be a con man working as an FBI agent specializing in casino fraud cases – about the fake nose he wears later in the movie, and he also won’t let him talk to Rusty and Danny. While Matt Damon’s performance at this moment is incredible, it’s the perfectly timed gestures of George Clooney and Brad Pitt trying to take the phone that make it. 

Don Cheadle as Basher in Ocean's Eleven.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"Terrific, it’ll be nice working with proper villains again." -Basher, Ocean’s Eleven 

Basher is the explosion expert for the team, and when he’s approached about doing the job he responds with this fantastic line, despite the fact that Don Cheadle’s British accent is quite bad in the film. 

Matt Damon saying "ooooohhhh" in Ocean's 12.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"Look, it’s not in my nature to be mysterious. But I can’t talk about it, and I can’t talk about why." –Rusty, Ocean’s Twelve 

After Rusty tells Linus that he should just ask the question, the inquiry he makes is not one Rusy is willing to go into detail about. Hilariously, this topic has to do with Tess looking like Julia Roberts, which is funny because, you know, Tess is played by Julia Roberts. 

Anne Hathaway giving a sassy look in Ocean's 8.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"First of all, if there’s one thing I know it’s bad acting." –Daphne, Ocean’s Eight  

Surprise, Anne Hathaway’s Daphne Kluger is the eighth member of Ocean’s 8, and it’s brilliantly revealed at the end of the female-led Ocean’s movie when she starts her admission with this line. 

George Clooney sitting in a private jet in Ocean's Thirteen.

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

"It's not their fight." -Danny, Ocean’s Thirteen

These are some of the first words uttered in Ocean’s Thirteen after Rusty boards a private jet and asks Danny if “they understand.” It’s later revealed after Linus asks Danny the same question that the “they” they’re referring to are Tess and Isabel, Danny and Rusty’s respective partners.

Overall, the Ocean’s movies are full of quick-witted, fun and intelligent lines, and it’s one of the big reasons why they remain so iconic to this day. 
