The10 Best Sidekicks in Action Movies, Ranked

Sidekicks don’t get nearly the love they deserve in film. A loyal sidekick is there for the protagonist when they need them the most, offering a new perspective on the goal at hand while simultaneously reaching for it alongside their compatriot. While they sometimes come across as subordinate, a film may choose to elevate the role of the sidekick into an integral part of the plot at hand. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the actiongenre.

Action hero sidekicks take many forms. From cyborgs to wookies to military personnel, hobbits, and, well, children, these characters are the yin to the protagonist's yang, the missing piece needed to solve the puzzling plot ahead. They use their competitive skill sets to outwit, outsmart, or outpunch their shared opponents in a fight. The best of these have audiences rooting for them just as much as the main character. Because of this, we love them. Here are the best sidekicks in action movies, ranked.

Updated January 30, 2024: This article has just been updated by Amanda Minchin to include even more great sidekicks.

10 Harold "Happy" Hogan - The MCU (2008 - Present)

Jon Favreau as Happy Hogan

The MCU is filled with great side characters, but it is hard to argue against Happy Hogan as the best "sidekick". While the MCU doesn't typically have sidekick heroes, and most of the time, they have partners, Happy Hogan has been an assistant for two of the franchise's biggest heroes: Iron Man and Spider-Man. Originally Tony Stark's bodyguard, he became head of security for Star Industry when Tony Stark became Iron Man. Then, he was appointed to watch over Peter Parker and eventually became a friend, ally, and eventual romantic partner for Peter's Aunt May.

What Makes Them A Great Sidekick?

Played by the director of Iron Man and Iron Man 2, Jon Favreau, this version of the unsmiling hero has changed as the MCU has progressed, thanks in part to his relationship with Peter Parker. Acting as Parker's point-person in communication with Tony brings out a more wholesome side to the unsmiling character. In a twist of fate, he winds up mentoring the mentor, helping Tony take on yet another superhero while managing a growing teenager with superpowers. He has become a fixture of the franchise and even recently got the spotlight in his own episode of What If...?, which saw him in a Die Hard-inspired story. Happy Hogan has been a great support for the MCU heroes.

9 Jim Gordon - The Dark Knight Trilogy (2005 - 2012)

Gary Oldman as Jim Gordon in The Dark Knight Rises
Warner Bros. Pictures

The Dark Knight trilogy changed how the world saw Batman and created the mold for future DC superhero films. The introduction to Christopher Nolan's three-part series introduced Christian Bale as the iconic Bruce Wayne, aka Batman, in his early years, from costume changes to training montages deep in the mountains with the man who would later become a mortal enemy to both him and Gotham. Over the course of trilogy Batman comes across many iconic foes but also gains many allies, and while Alfred and Lucious Fox were certainly helpful there is no doubt that James Gordon might be the best in the trilogy.

What Makes Them A Great Sidekick?

Played by incomparable character actor Gary Oldman, Gordon is a police officer who stands by Batman's side and helps him through his connections with the Gotham police department. Throughout the series, he rises quickly through the ranks from beat cop to commissioner, thanks to his inability to back down from doing what's right. It is he who first believes in the good this new vigilante can do and is the first to incorporate him into the department's criminal investigations. While Gordon was a popular character in Batman comics, the previous live-action films did very little with the character, so Oldman redefined him for a new generation where, now, for most mainstream audiences, it is difficult to imagine Batman without Gordon. Stream The Dark Knight trilogy on Max.

8 Hit-Girl - Kick-Ass (2010) & Kick-Ass 2 (2013)

Hit-Girl From Kick-Ass 2
Universal Pictures

Kick-Ass, directed by Matthew Vaughn and released in 2010, tells the story of an up-and-coming high school vigilante who targets crime in his city. The film stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Nicolas Cage, and Chloë Grace Moretz. The latter are an already established father-daughter team who hit the streets after the death of their wife and mother. They band together to clean up the streets and take down crime boss Frank D'Amico and his son, Red Mist. Based on the Marvel Comics of the same name, this black comedy superhero venture received positive reviews for its unique antihero take on a superhero movie.

What Makes Them A Great Sidekick?

Hit-Girl, played by Chloë Grace Moretz, is a fun inversion of the superhero sidekick popularized by Robin. She’s determined and skilled but also incredibly violent. Her character's motivation is outlined and easy to follow. Hit-Girl has trained as a prodigy under her father, superhero vigilante Big Daddy. She is far more well-equipped to take down the bad guys than the new kid on the scene. However, she herself is ill-equipped for a life outside crime-fighting, and the two work surprisingly well together because of this. While the movies were titled Kick-Ass, Hit-Girl truly stole the show and could have carried her own movie.

7 Dr. John Watson - Sherlock Holmes (2009)

John Watson in Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Warner Bros. 

Sherlock Holmes proved to be a successful rendition of the ever-popular Sherlock Holmes stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. Directed by Guy Ritchie, this visually beautiful outing showed the famous detective, played by Robert Downey, Jr., in his younger years alongside John Watson (Jude Law) and part-time rival Irene Adler (Rachel McAdams). The friendship between Holmes and Watson is put to the test after Watson becomes betrothed and is forced to move out of 221B Baker Street. Soon enough, the pair are wrapped up in the mysterious dealings of one Lord Blackwood (Mark Strong) and the far more nefarious dealings of Holmes' long-time nemesis, Professor Moriarty.

What Makes Them A Great Sidekick?

Often portrayed in an older, more bumbling fashion, at least in comparison to Holmes, Jude Law's version of a young Watson elevated the character into the action genre. His time as a veteran only shortly passed, and he came back with both the Afghanistan Medal and the Kandahar Star. He proves himself an excellent shot and carries around a steel blade in his cane wherever he goes. In this version, he's nearly as quick at deduction as Holmes, though he is by far the better of the two at socialization and getting his friend out of verbal fisticuffs. As roommates, the two act like an old married couple, bickering constantly over each other's habits while simultaneously looking out for one another. After years of media depicting Watson as a short, bumbling sidekick to Sherlock Holmes, Law's rendition of the character made him cool for a new generation. Rent on Prime Video and AppleTV+.

6 T-100 - Terminator 2 (1991)

Arnold in Terminator 2 Judgement Day
Trifecta Entertainment and Media

Directed and written by James Cameron, Terminator 2: Judgment Day is the legendary sequel to the 1984 original film. In this film, the upgraded Terminator, still played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, is accompanied by John Connor and must help defeat the new Terminator model, the T-1000. John doesn't have any powers, nor is he a trained fighter like his mother, but he is integral to the plot of the film, urging his mother to trust The Terminator and helping the Terminator to blend into the human world. Cameron took the film in a much different direction from the first, making it one of the best sequel films of all time as a result.

What Makes Them A Great Sidekick?

Turning the antagonist of the first film and repurposing him as a guardian of humanity in the second was an absolute stroke of genius. In the sequel, the old T-100 turned T-800 looks exactly the same, though his directive, protecting the Connors, couldn't be any different. Sarah Connor's reaction to her worst nightmare coming back for her and her son is filtered through this lens, making it difficult for her to trust him. The juxtaposition between the giant cyborg and the teenage child makes for a great comedic pairing while also making way for some of the film's more emotional moments. The Terminator is the ultimate companion any kid would want to have at their back. Stream on Paramount+

5 Max Rockatansky - Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Tom Hardy as Mad Max in Mad Max Fury Road
Warner Bros. Pictures

Mad Max: Fury Roadsuccessfully rebooted a franchise that hadn't seen the light of day since the mid-80s. This stunning visual masterpiece stars Tom Hardy as the title character and Charlize Theron as Imperator Furiosa. This Australian post-apocalyptic adventure follows Furiosa as she rebels against cult leader Immortan Joe, stealing away with a group of female prisoners in search of her homeland. Created by series legend George Miller, Fury Road and its predecessor, Mad Max 2, are considered two of the best action films of all time.

What Makes Them A Great Sidekick?

Despite what the title might lead the audience to believe, the protagonist of this story is arguably Furiosa, who is set to appear in a self-titled film later this year. Max is a drifter, an imprisoned escapee who agrees to help Furiosa in her escape. His skills are soon put to good use in the road battle to follow. Initially portrayed by actor Mel Gibson in the 80s, Tom Hardy took up the mantle for this action-packed thrill ride, bringing an air of gritty realism to the otherwise fantastical series. Max goes from an outsider who distrusts everyone to helping out Furiosa, and he wanders off by the end of the movie to find a new adventure. Mad Max: Fury Road showed that the title character could work just as well as a supporting player and level of other characters to be their own stars. Stream on Max

4 Short Round - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)

Short Round in Indiana Jones
Paramount Pictures

The classic Steven Spielberg-directed action/adventure film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom stars Harrison Ford, Kate Capshaw, and Ke Huy Quan as Short Round. Meant as a prequel to the original film, this version avoided the Nazis by putting the setting smack in British-occupied India. There, Indie is asked to rescue their children from a Thuggee cult allegedly dealing in the dark arts, child slavery, and human sacrifice. While not one of the franchise's most well-received outings, it has since been touted for its intense action and creativity.

What Makes Them A Great Sidekick?

Short Round is a young boy who accompanies Jones on his adventures. Orphaned at a tender age, the boy formerly known as Wan Li is about as street-savvy as they come. He is a competent and quick-thinking sidekick who, throughout the film, saves Jones from a few non-ideal situations...even if he did try to rob his newfound compatriot at first. A kid's gotta eat! Instead of turning him in, Indie uses the kid as a contact in Shanghai. He gleefully drives Indie and his friends around town while learning all about survival skills and the New York Yankees from his new friend. Theirs is a transactional relationship threaded through with hints of a father/son relationship. A testament to his age, it's hard not to find his demeanor anything but loveable. Stream on Disney+ and Paramount+.

3 Goose - Top Gun (1986)

Goose From Top Gun

Top Gun is an iconic 80s classic starring none other than Tom Cruise in his early prime. Inspired by an article in California magazine years earlier, the film follows Lieutenant Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, a young naval aviator who's given the opportunity to train at the United States Navy's Fighter Weapons School. The film was directed by Tony Scott and won an Oscar for the original song “Take My Breath Away.” It was nominated for an additional three Oscars pertaining to its sound design, sound effect editing, and film editing. The affable and friendly Goose is played by Anthony Edwards. He is the wingman for Tom Cruise’s character, Maverick.

What Makes Them A Great Sidekick?

Goose is a perfect example of a sidekick, acting as Maverick’s Radar Intercept Officer, a role of the utmost importance in supporting aerial combat missions. He is not only Maverick's co-pilot but also a friend, one who makes the ultimate sacrifice to save the main character. The death lays the groundwork for the relationship between Maverick and Goose's son "Rooster" in Top Gun: Maverick. Goose is such an iconic character that the name of Captain Marvel's alien Flerken companion, who looks like a cat in the MCU, is named after him. Stream on Paramount+

2 Chewbacca - The Star Wars Franchise (1977 - Present)

Chewbacca From Star Wars

Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope is the film that launched the Star Wars franchise all the way back in 1977. It was the first time audiences were introduced to a mystical world of the Force, the war between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, to Darth Vader, the Skywalker siblings (though they didn't know it yet), and, of course, pilots Han Solo and Chewbacca. This first installment introduced the force sensitive Luke Skywalker, who joins forces with a former Jedi, Han, Chewy, and a handful of droids to save the galaxy and rescue a princess. This epic space opera soon took the world by storm and has been reinvented more than a handful of times ever since.

What Makes Them A Great Sidekick?

It is nearly impossible to mention Han Solo without talking about his Wookie companion, Chewbacca, or Chewie for short. Played by the iconic Peter Mayhew, the inspiration for this hairy, non-English-speaking co-pilot came from Lucas' dog at the time. An Alaskan Malamute by breed, Chewy evolved into a larger-than-life character throughout the course of the original series and beyond. Able to fight with the best of them, he's often seen getting Solo out of jams of his own making. Watching Han interpret Chewy's guttural yells into English for the rest of the audience is downright hilarious and reminiscent of dog owners everywhere. Chewbacca has gone on to become one of the signature characters in the franchise with Joonas Suotamo now playing the iconic character, as the character has become a beloved fixture for generations of fans. Stream all Star Wars films on Disney+

1 Samwise "Sam" Gamgee - The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Sean Astin cries during Frodo's departure in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
New Line Cinema

The Lord of the Rings trilogy is one of the most iconic in both literature and film. The story of a Hobbit named Frodo (Elijah Wood) going to destroy the One Ring is an epic journey. Along the way, Frodo has many companions, known as the Fellowship of the Ring. Sure, there is the brave true king of Gondor Aaragon, elf warrior Legolas, dwarf warrior Gemli, or the magical wizard Gandalf, but the most trusted companion is Frodo's good friend, Samwise "Same" Gamgee (Sean Astin).

What Makes Them A Great Sidekick?

Without the charisma of a great actor bringing a sidekick to life, the part falls short. Sean Astin is perhaps the perfect portrayal of a sidekick in his role as Sam. He brings depth and compassion to a character who ends up being just as important as Frodo. As friend to Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, aka Sam, has to put up with quite a lot throughout the course of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the third and final film. Even after Gollum tricks Frodo into casting Sam out, Sam returns to save his friend from the giant spider Shelob. He then muscles his way up to Mount Doom with Frodo in tow, saving him a second time after the Ring is forcibly removed from him, finger and all. He even carries the Ring himself for a time without succumbing to its desires, becoming one of the few to do so. He's also the only one to give the darn thing up willingly. Frodo may get all the credit, but there's no way he'd have been successful in his mission without his good friend Sam. Stream on Max

Learn More About The Upcoming Additions To The Lord of the Rings Franchise Here!
