After The Tarot Trailer, Horror Fans Are Upset About The Movie's Title Change

Are movie titles getting ever-more boring? I will admit that I have not done the deep dive research to confirm it as a fact, but it certainly feels that way anecdotally. Rather than going with any clever and creative ideas, studios these days seem inclined to settle on the most generic options available – like character names and recognizable brands. For example, I question why Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer couldn't have been called American Prometheus (the name of the book on which it's based), and it sincerely bugs me that Regina King's new Shirley Chisholm biopic for Netflix is called Shirley despite the fact that there was a Shirley Jackson biopic called Shirley released just four years ago starring Elisabeth Moss. The latest evidence of this annoying Hollywood development is the upcoming horror movie Horrorscope changing its title to Tarot... and I'm definitely not the only one who is disappointed by this decision.

This lame title alteration was announced this morning when Sony Pictures released the first Tarot trailer, and it doesn't require intensive digging to find people who aren't happy with the choice. In fact, I'm not even the only staff member on CinemaBlend to take umbrage with the new name, as CB writer Jason Wiese has joined me in expressing discontent:

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I promise you that it's not just CinemaBlend writers who aren't happy here. Twitter user @ben_eales, for example, is annoyed on two different levels, noting both that Tarot is both more generic and less funny than the scary big screen adventure that is proposed by the title Horrorscope:

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For @BillBrasky2620, the issue is the fact that the studio isn't properly leaning into the cinematic experience that the Tarot trailer is promising. The footage suggests a fun and freaky time, and Horrorscope most definitely sells that tone as a title more than Tarot does:

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This is a sentiment that was also shared by @fierstreet. There are plenty of horror fans are regularly happy to accept a bit of "stupid silly" in their genre features, and that's an attitude sold by the title Horrorscope:

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Responding to the trailer with what could be described as a more realist perspective, @ratgirldingus says that Tarot might be a more sellable name from a marketing perspective, but depriving us of a film called Horrorscope is clearly a lame move:

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More than the others, this post from @thediegocrespo arguably gets the message across clearest regarding the title change:

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Written and directed by Spenser Cohen and Anna Halber, the film centers on a group of college friends who, despite warnings, begin to play around with Tarot cards that don't belong to them. In classic slasher fashion, the gang of pals slowly gets smaller and smaller as members are killed off based on the fortunes given to them by the mystical deck. The film stars Spider-Man's Jacob Batalon, Alana Boden, Harriet Slater, Avantika, and more, and if you haven't already watched it, you can check out the Tarot trailer below.

Will the movie live up to the awesomeness in the title Horrorscope, or will we ultimately find that the generic title Tarot is fitting? Horror fans will find out when the film arrives in theaters on May 10. Meanwhile, you can discover all of the features that are set to be released between now and then by checking out our 2024 Movie Release Schedule.
