Harry Potter: Which Hogwarts Houses the MCU's Avengers Would Be Sorted In

One of the longest-lasting social phenomena that the world of Harry Potter gave us was sorting into the respective Hogwarts Houses based on personality traits. For many within a generation of readers and movie lovers, identification with either Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin became a sort of shorthand in social interactions. Indeed, with the access to endless online quizzes on various websites allowing one to discover which House they belong to, for a long period it was practically impossible to avoid it.

An extension of this social phenomenon is its application toward fan-favorite fictional characters. In this article, we're taking one of the biggest franchises in cinema history, the MCU, and giving the Avengers an unofficial sorting ceremony. Which Hogwarts Houses would they be sorted in?

Update December 29, 2023: This article has been updated by Valerie Parker to include even more Avengers as well as more details about their house placements.

14 Scott Lang/Ant-Man - Hufflepuff

Ant-Man as Giant Man
Marvel Studios

Some may see this opinion as controversial, but in our eyes, Scott Lang is a Hufflepuff. Though it could be argued that the Sorting Hat might hesitate in the decision whether to sort him into Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, the final decision seems crystal clear. As a person, he is very genuine and kind towards others in almost every situation. He is dedicated to his team, isn't afraid to show his affection, and is very patient with the people in his circle. Ant-Man is the perfect example of a pure Hufflepuff. We would also venture his girlfriend Hope, aka The Wasp, is a Ravenclaw, and any Potter fan will tell you that Ravenclaw girls seem to love Hufflepuff boys and Hufflepuff boys love Ravenclaw girls.

13 Vision - Ravenclaw

Paul Bettany as Vision in Marvel Cinematic Universe
Marvel Studios

The AI turned android, or "synthezoid", is the definition of a Ravenclaw. Whether one wants to argue that's due to Visons programming or his lack of humanity, he is calculated and logical in his actions. As JARVIS he had access to all of the worlds knowledge, and that was downloaded into the humanoid body created by Ultron. His "book knowledge' is immense, easily making him the most intelligent Avenger, and his thirst for knowledge in a more human and interpersonal sense proves that he values understanding and growth more than anything.

12 Thor - Gryffindor

Marvel Studios

You cannot convince us that Gryffindor's patron god would not be Thor. He is arrogant in nature, and even though his arrogance has been tempered over the years following the events of his first movie and interrupted coronation, he never fails to mention the power of the gods he carries with his title. His recklessness has gotten him into trouble numerous times, such as pointlessly starting a war with the Frost Giants after getting his ego stomped on. Despite all of it, he's brave as ever, driven by his ambition to be the best at everything he does.

11 Sam Wilson/The Falcon/Captain America - Hufflepuff

Sam Wilson as Captain America
Marvel Studios

Sam Wilson, previously The Falcon and now Captain America, is a Hufflepuff. From the moment audiences meet Sam, his loyalty is clear. Without even truly knowing Steve Rogers or Natasha Romanov, he proves he's good judge of character, and he chooses to aid and protect them, even at risk of his own life. He's also a caregiver, having left active service to then take up a position as a counselor to other vets suffering from PTSD. Though his service also gives him an edge of Gryffindor, there's no doubt that his true personality is 100% Hufflepuff.

10 Bruce Banner/The Hulk-Ravenclaw

Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner in The Avengers 2012
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Someone as dedicated to exploring the frontier of knowledge as Bruce Banner is definitely a Ravenclaw. Beginning his superhero journey an expert in gamma raditation, Bruce Banner is one of the most intelligent members of The Avengers. Whether he's joining forces with Tony Stark or simply working alone, he's clever enough to come up with needed solutions for desperate measures. Creativity runs in his blood. Considering how he's bound by loyalty and hard work, some may sort him into the house of Hufflepuff, but we stand by our choice.

9 James Rhodes/War Machine - Gryffindor

War Machine aka James Rhodes
Marvel Studios

James Rhodes, aka the War Machine or Iron Patriot is a Gryffindor through and through. He's a soldier to his core, serving his country in various military roles in an effort to protect his country, its people, and the world at large. He puts his life on the line every day to do what he thinks is right. Even after he suffers a terrible accident while fighting for what he believes is right, he works to get back into the fight at any cost. A Gryffindor through and through.

8 Wanda Maximoff/The Scarlet Witch - Slytherin

Wanda Maximoff aka the Scarlet Witch
Marvel Studios

Wanda Maximoff perfectly fits the definition of a Slytherin. She offers herself up to Baron Strucker and HYDRA in her quest for power to take down the man she blames for the death of her parents, Tony Stark. She is often driven by anger, and a quest for vengeance, with her ire turned on Ultron, Thanos, Agatha Harkness, etc as she chases revenge for those she feels have done her wrong.

Her quest for power and to fulfill her own desires even leads her to chase a child whom she plans to kill in order to kidnap the children of her counterpart in another universe. Though she does eventually see the damage she has done and sacrifices herself, it is because she recognizes her ambition and the darkness it has led to as a threat that cannot be contained.

7 Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel - Gryffindor

Brie Larson as Carol Danversl in Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

Carol Danvers is who The Avengers are named after, and Avengers: Endgame showed she is the biggest gun in the team's arsenal. While Carol Danvers is certainly headstrong and could be seen as a Slytherin, her bravery and determination make her a Gryffindor. In many ways, Carol Danvers is the closest character in the MCU to Harry Potter in that she could be both Gryfinndor and Slytherin. But due to her ability to admit she was wrong and apologize to Kamala after snapping at her in The Marvels, she belongs in the Gryfinndoor house as she displays the traits one associates with the iconic house.

The Marvels, in many ways, highlights an interesting parallel with Harry Potter. The core trio of heroes in Harry Potter are all sorted into Gryffindor, but each has a trait closely associated with another major Hogwarts house. Harry easily could have been Slytherin, while Hermoine has the intelligence associated with Ravenclaw, and Ron has the loyalty of Hufflepuff. Carol Danvers is a lot like Harry, where she could be Slytherin, Monica Rambeau has the intelligence to be a Ravenclaw, and Kamala Khan has major Hufflepuff energy.

6 Clint Barton/Hawkeye - Hufflepuff

Jeremy Renner in Hawkeye
Marvel Studio

It's easy to imagine Clint Barton as a student who has convinced himself that he belongs in Gryffindor. He's sure that the Sorting Hat will announce said House, but he's hit with a loud Hufflepuff! Despite his confusion, even Hawkeye realizes that he most certainly does give off Hufflepuff vibes. Clint is definitely one of those Hufflepuffs who are usually the kindest people on Earth, but once you mess with them, they become one of the ruthless ones, and it's a scary sight. As witnessed in Avengers: Endgame when Barton took on the identity of Ronin after the loss of his family in The Blip.

5 Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow - Slytherin

Scarlet Johansson as Black Widow
Marvel Studios

Although we can see the Hufflepuff argument often connected to Natasha, in our eyes, she is a definite Slytherin. Her sister Yelena is certainly more of a Hufflepuff. Natasha, on the other hand, shares many of Tony Stark's personality traits, especially those of cockiness and resourcefulness. She is cunning when she needs to be in multiple situations, especially with her interrogation techniques, where she's not afraid to use her charm. Her skills of deception are also on another level. She is silent but deadly.

4 T'Challa/Black Panther - Gryffindor

Black Panther fighting for Wakanda in the first Black Panther movie.
Marvel Studios

As the Black Panther, T'Challa was the protector of his home of Wakanda and definitely a Gryffindor. Taking on the risky ceremony that would transform him into the Black Panther not once, but three times, putting his people before his own safety. Upon the death of his father, he defeats a challenge to his authority for the throne, believing he is the best person to lead the nation of Wakanda. Clawing his way back from the edge of death, he fights his greatest foe to save the idea of Wakanda and eventually brings his people into the greater world, learning a lesson from Killmonger that their country can and should work to change the outside world using their resources to improve the lives of others.

3 Tony Stark/Iron Man - Slytherin

Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark in Iron Man 3
Marvel Studios

In all honesty, an argument could be made for Tony Stark to fit into every one of Hogwarts Houses. Yet, we cannot help but see him as a Slytherin most of all. Similarly to most of the well-known Slytherins, Tony Stark carries a very prestigious name on his back, one that has helped shape the history of our world. He is the most cunning of all the Avengers, and always very full of himself. Being able to build an Iron Man suit in the middle of nowhere is enough to prove his resourcefulness. He is also very ambitious and always showcases quality leadership skills.

2 Steve Rogers/Captain America — Gryffindor

Captain America wields Mjolnir in Avengers: Endgame
Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures 

We think there is no better example of a Gryffindor with a good heart than Steve Rogers. Although there are many arguments that point Steve to the Slytherin direction, we're convinced that he's a Gryffindor who simply acts like a Slytherin. The Hogwarts Houses are dependent on what you value at the core of your heart. Brave at heart, chivalrous, and has the nerve and determination? That pretty much sums up Steve Rogers in one sentence.

1 Peter Parker/Spider-Man - Ravenclaw

Tom Holland as Peter Parker in Spider-Man: No Way Home
Sony Pictures Releasing

Although Peter Parker has made some typical teenage mistakes, it is clear his intelligence is on another level, especially for someone so young. He participated in many clubs, such as decathlon and robotics, he learned how to make his own webbing, and he's excellent with computers. The MCU should definitely show more of Spider-Man's witty side from the comics, but movies such as Civil War prove that he has it in him. Peter is very creative with his suits and other improvements that he's made before meeting Tony. He's the perfect individual to describe what Ravenclaw stands for.
