Star Wars: Best Quotes in the Prequel Trilogy

Star Wars is a multimedia franchise jam-packed with movies and TV shows that have been released over the past four decades. Thanks to the genius of George Lucas, we have been blessed with an exciting galaxy full of alien creatures, strange languages, and, of course, the Force. From the nine films in the Skywalker saga to the new spin-off series like Andorand Obi-Wan Kenobi, the franchise shows no signs of slowing down. With all the new stories being released, it's only right to go back and reflect on the movies that got us where we are today.

Update September 30, 2023: Ahsoka has brought a lot of attention back to the Star Wars prequels, so with that in mind, this article has been updated with even more great quotes from the prequel trilogy.

While the original trilogy is considered the best of the best, the Star Wars prequel trilogy has its moments. When the prequels were released — The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith — many fans felt that they were too ridiculous to be taken seriously. With a new generation of Star Wars fans raised by the internet, a new appreciation for the prequels has arisen. The prequels have become the center of a number of Star Wars memes, bringing the films more attention from the outside. Here are the best quotes in the Star Wars prequel trilogy.

12 "This party's over!"


Samuel L. Jackson needs very little to encompass his badassery, yet the first time we see him in action in the prequel saga is in Attack of the Clones. When Count Dooku is ready to be rid of Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan in the fighting arenas of planet Geonosis, we get a back view from Mace Windu's point of view as he puts his trademark purple saber to Jango Feet's throat and utters the famous line, just as the Jedi reveal themselves over the Genosian ground while using the force to clear the stadium of the weak-minded species to avoid casualties.

11 "Power... unlimited power!"

Palpatine Force Lightning

Students of the Star Wars lore are quick to point out Mace Windu as the second most powerful Jedi, right behind Grand Master Yoda. That's the only reason he was the sole Jedi to hold his own against Palpatine in their lightsaber duel. His mastery of Vaapad, a variation of Form VII, gives him an edge against any Sith opponent, as Windu is the only Jedi capable of tapping into the Dark Side to draw more power to face his enemies while negating the cumbersome seduction of the untamed power represented by the dark force. While dueling with Palpatine, the would-be emperor fakes a loss as Windu realizes the danger the senator represents. After Anakin cuts his hand to save Palpatine, he regains his composure, frying Mace Windu to bits with Ian McDiarmid uttering the famous line.

10 "I'm not the Jedi I should be. I want more, and I know I shouldn't."

MOV_Anakin and Padme

After gaining a set at the council but being denied the rank of Master, Anakin withdrew to his chambers with Padme, with the nightmares of her loss flooding his mind. The young Jedi already knew about Palpatine and The Sith, and he was on the brink of succumbing to the Dark Side of the Force. He encounters Padme, who expresses her worries and reaffirms the Jedi council's trust in him. Anakin feels different, though.

He feels sidelined, disrespected, and incomplete. The Dark Side calls on him, and he expresses his desires to his wife. He wants more; he wants to save the galaxy he's fought so hard to protect and his wife at his side. This moment hits even harder after watching The Clone Wars show and learning everything Anakin has done (and lost) during the war.

9 "The boy is dangerous. They all sense it; why can't you?"

MOV_Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan

A verbal proverb in Latin America states, "The devil knows more through being old than through being a devil." Anakin arrived at the side of Qui-Gon Jin after their adventure in Tatooine with a Midiclorian count that exceeded even the limits of Grand Master Yoda. He passed all the basic trials to be accepted as a Padawan, but the eldest Jedi deemed it unwise to train the boy. Their reasoning was simple: he was already too old, he had fierce attachments, and Mace Windu and Yoda sensed a clouded future for the young man. After leaving the Jedi Council Chambers, Obi-Wan sides briefly with them and asks the question that should have given pause to Qui-Gon, yet he chooses to dismiss because of his blind fate.

8 "Wipe them out. All of them."


Darth Sidious was the shadowy puppet master behind the invasion of Naboo (his own home planet). Using the muscle of the Trade Federation to place an embargo on the planet and kick-start the conflict between this governing body and the Galactic Republic. Sidius manipulates the Federation into waging war, knowing full well there is a slight chance the Jedi might get involved, which they do. After sending his apprentice and revealing the existence of the Sith in the galaxy after millennia, Sidus commands the Federation to eradicate the people of Naboo and their Gungan allies with a line that Ian McDiarmid so well delivered that it made the cut in the promotional video Duel of Fates, John William's song for the first chapter of the new trilogy.

7 “Hello, there.”


Probably the most iconic quote in the whole of the Star Wars prequels is Obi-Wan’s line when he drops behind General Grievous and his men on Utapau and so flippantly says "Hello, there," to which General Grievous responds "General Kenobi!" This back and forth eventually became a meme that modern Star Wars fans regularly turned to. The timing of this line as well as the way that Kenobi says it in his classic British accent is what makes this quote so phenomenal and worthy of becoming the greatest Star Wars meme of all time (via Screen Rant). Also, considering the heavier content matter of Revenge of the Sith, this bit of unexpected humor brings a bit of light to arguably the darkest film in the franchise.

6 “This is where the fun begins."


Another quote from Revenge of the Sith occurs at the film's beginning. Anakin and Obi-Wan are fighting to get into one of the Star Destroyers to rescue Chancellor Palpatine. When the fighting starts to get more complicated, Anakin says the iconic line "This is where the fun begins." These words remind us of his roots and that he gets enjoyment out of fighting, particularly while flying. It also gives us greater insight into Anakin's mind as he doesn't take the battle too seriously, which is part of what makes him such a phenomenal Jedi. For the audience, this quote kept the mood light and became yet another popular Star Wars meme.

5 “There's always a bigger fish."


In The Phantom Menace, Qui-Gon and his young Padawan Obi-Wan meet a local Gungan, JarJar Binks, who helps them find transport to the capital of Naboo by going to Gungan City, an underwater city that is home to the majority of the Gungan population. After speaking with the council, the group receives transport in the form of an underwater ship. While underwater, they are targeted by a Gooberfish until a much larger sea creature, called a Sando Aqua Monster, devours the Gooberfish. After this happens, Qui-Gon says, "There's always a bigger fish." This statement is more than just an observation and basically states that no matter what anyone does, there will always be someone or something bigger, stronger, and better.

4 “I love democracy."


This quote comes from Palpatine as he speaks to the senate about JarJar's request to grant the Chancellor more emergency power in Attack of the Clones. This happens in Padme's absence, and while JarJar may have been manipulated into motioning to grant the Chancellor more power, this began the Chancellor's descent away from democracy. Palpatine saying the words "I love democracy," is nothing short of ironic as his intention in gaining more power is to eventually change the Galactic Republic into his own personal Empire. This quote yet again made the cut as being one of the best Star Wars memes.

3 “You can't stop the change any more than you can stop the suns from setting."


The Phantom Menace is often regarded as one of the most ridiculous Star Wars films, but it does have its moments. One of the best quotes in the film that applies to real life comes when Anakin runs back to his mother and says he doesn't want to leave her and that he doesn't want things to change. With a broken heart, Shmi tells him, "You can't stop the change any more than you can stop the suns from setting." Not only is this true, but a mother saying this to her son makes it even more poignant as she tries to tell Anakin the realities of life, giving him one last life lesson before he leaves her forever.

2 “So, this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause."

Star Wars Padme Natalie Portman

In Revenge of the Sith, after events take a turn for the worse, the Chancellor gathers the Senate and holds a meeting about how the Jedi attacked him because they want to take over the Republic. This manipulation of the situation leads to the Chancellor convincing the Senate through his twisted words that the Jedi are a problem and must be eliminated. As a Senator, Padme sits and watches with disgust as the Palpatine gathers support for his operation. She looks around her and says, "So, this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause." Unfortunately, that is the reality of politics and her words ring true in real life as well.

1 "The day we stop believing in democracy is the day we lose it."


While the Star Wars prequels have been criticized for being overly political and void of action, this is not necessarily a bad thing. This quote comes from Jamilla, Padme's successor as Queen of Naboo after they speak about the state of the Republic and the growing Separatist movement. Queen Jamilla's words of wisdom have some very real-life applications. Considering that a majority of the planet works through a democratic system, the general population must have faith in the system; otherwise, the system will no longer work. When considering democracy and whether it is working, one should always look to the alternatives.
