Tom Holland's Best Quotes as Spider-Man, Ranked

Since Spider-Man was introduced to the Marvel Cinematic Universe back in 2016 with Captain America: Civil War, Tom Holland went to appear in 6 different films in the space of 5 years. Considering 3 of those were part of his trilogy, that's a pretty impressive feat.

Due to appearing in so many films in little time, it means that Holland has delivered some of the best lines throughout the MCU, all of which show us the personality of his version of Peter Parker who quickly became a fan-favorite across the universe. Here are his best quotes so far.

Spider-Man and the Winter Soldier in Civil War
Marvel Studios

The first time that we see Holland suited up in his spidey suit was during the iconic airport fight in Captain America: Civil War. As all he knew up to this point was the low-level criminals of Queens, seeing the Avengers' insanely high-tech gear meant the audience got some hilarious moments from Holland.

When trying to stop Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Bucky (Sebastian Stan) throws a punch at Peter that he stops, with Peter being amazed by his metal arm. Peter saying this to Bucky, who can't believe that he just caught his punch, makes this easily one of the funniest lines in the film.

9 "Oh, we're using our made-up names. I'm Spider-Man then."

Spider-Man and Dr Strange in Avengers: Infinity War
Marvel Studios

One of the best parts of the early stages of Avengers: Infinity War was the dynamic between Peter, Dr. Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), and Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.). With Strange being so heavily focused on saving the universe, having a young kid who Stark tried to make sure wasn't even there was a treat for the audience.

As the three are hurtling through space not knowing where they're going, Peter tries to break the ice with Strange who's clearly fed up with the situation already. With Peter essentially mocking Strange's name, this quote made their journey worse from Strange.

8 "C'mon, Peter tingle."

Spider-Man embracing the Peter tingle in Spider-Man: Far From Home
Sony Pictures

After Aunt May (Marisa Tomei) finds out that her nephew is Spider-Man, she gave Peter's spider-sense her own name, the Peter tingle. During the final fight scene between Peter and Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal), Peter takes a second, to harness all the power of the tingle.

What follows is one of the best sequences of the film, with Peter taking out Mysterio's invisible drones one by one, solely relying on his extreme senses. Remembering what his Aunt, the most important person to him, had called it in the midst of battle shows how close he holds those dear to him so near.

7 "Look, when you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then bad things happen, they happen because of you."

Peter Talking to Tony Stark in Captain America: Civil War
Marvel Studios

Going back to Captain America: Civil War before the airport fight, Tony Stark goes to Peter's home to recruit him to his team. With only video footage for Stark to base his recruitment idea on, he asks Peter, "Why are you doing this?" This leads to one of Holland's defining quotes as Spider-Man.

This quote lets us know from the get-go the values and motivations that Peter has behind becoming the friendly neighborhood hero that he is, as he feels responsible for the safety of the people in his community after gaining his superhuman powers.

6 "I just wanted to be like you."

Tony and Peter's conversation in Spider-Man: Homecoming
Sony Pictures

In Holland's first solo movie, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Peter and his mentor Stark have one of the most impactful moments in the film after Stark has to suit up as Iron Man to help Peter when he's way out of his depth. This line from the scene shows how much Peter looks up to Stark, who's already given him so much opportunity.

Starks' response to this makes the moment so much better, with him replying, "And I wanted you to be better." This shows how much promise he saw in Peter, which he didn't really know up until this moment. Stark's response here definitely had an impact on Peter moving forward.

5 "Somebody's got to look out for the little guy, right?"

Tom Holland as Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Homecoming
Sony Pictures

At the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming, Peter finally gets the offer he's dreamed of, to be part of the Avengers. Stark shows Peter a suit that Peter struggles to even comprehend, with Stark laying everything out for Peter in the space of a minute.

All of this becomes so overwhelming for Peter, leading him to decline the offer and stay as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man in Queens. After escaping a massive plane crash while taking down the Vulture (Michael Keaton) at the same time, this quote shows that Peter realizes how important he is to his community, and the whole he would leave if he was to join the Avengers.

4 "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good..."

Spider-Man and Iron Man in Avengers: Infinity War
Marvel Studios

The end of Avengers: Infinity War was one of the most memorable moments in the MCU's history. For the first time, the heroes lost. After Thanos (Josh Brolin) snapped his fingers in his Infinity Gauntlet, characters began fading to dust, Peter being one of them.

What makes this line such a standout moment for Holland's Spider-Man is that he instantly went to Stark for help. Even in the face of what everyone thought was death at the time, Peter still calls him Mr. Stark, another moment showing his respect for his mentor, who essentially became his father figure.

3 "We won, Mr. Stark."

Peter Parker talking to Tony Stark Avengers: Endgame
Marvel Studios

With the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and almost every character in the MCU defeating Thanos and his army, it all came down to Stark making the ultimate sacrifice, snapping his fingers wielding the infinity stones. With his snap leaving him with no chance of survival, Stark sees the people most important to him in the end, including Peter.

Peter seeing Stark knowing that he's about to die is something that he struggles to comprehend. Stark gave Peter almost everything that he has up to this point; the father-like figure that Peter sees Stark as shines brightly in their last moment together.

2 "Make everyone"

Tom Holland as Spider-Man in Spider-Man No Way Home
Sony Pictures

Even though Spider-Man: No Way Home is as jam-packed with awesome moments as it is, Holland still managed to give us one of his best quotes throughout his time as Spider-Man. The reason that everyone who wants to kill Peter Parker from every universe is about to invade the MCU's universe is because of Holland's Peter. But offering to make a huge sacrifice of his own shows the level of courage he has to do what's right.

Having everyone forget who he is means that he lost both his relationship and his best friend, the two things that meant the world to him and all he had left. Knowing that he'll have to find a way to rebuild those relationships, if he even can, makes the lack of hesitation that Peter had when making this decision easily one of his best moments.

1 "Come on, Peter. Come on, Spider-Man!"

Tom Holland Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Homecoming
Sony Pictures

In his first proper confrontation with the Vulture as Spider-Man, Peter gets completely trapped under layers of rubble. Initially screaming for help, he looks down to see his mask in a puddle, with his face reflecting from the water beside it. This prompts him to remember what Stark said to him: "If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it." What follows is one of Peter's most important moments.

Peter constantly repeats to himself who he is, leading to him mustering up all his strength to lift himself out of the rubble. What makes this quote Holland's best as Spider-Man is because this is the moment where he realized that it's not just the suit that makes him the hero that he is, it's himself. From this moment forward, there's a huge shift in Peter's confidence, leading him to be one of the most valuable characters whenever he's on-screen.

Now that Holland has announced he's taking a well-earned break from acting for the time being, when, or if, he'll appear as Spider-Man again is up in the air. If he does return to the role that he has performed so well in, more iconic quotes are sure to be delivered from Holland.
