Harry Potter: The Funniest Ron Weasley Moments

For 10 years, fans followed along on the adventures of Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger. We watched the trio get into some serious trouble, fall in love, nearly die, and everything in between. While Harry was always the brave one, and Hermione was the logical thinker, Ron would often steal the spotlight with his one-liners and facial expressions.

Played by Rupert Grint, Ron is the goofy sidekick and best friend everyone wants in their life. He is often outwardly afraid of going on adventures with Harry and Hermione, but he does not let his own fear stop him from helping out. When it comes to needing a voice of reason, whether that be because the group is faced with a three-headed dog or just the simple fact that time travel is still a crazy phenomenon even in the wizard world, Ron is sure to point out what the others overlook. He may be a wizard, but his reality checks towards the rest of the group make even muggles laugh.

These are Ronald Weasley's funniest moments throughout the Harry Potter series.



First Time Meeting Hermione

Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley
Warner Bros. Pictures

When Harry and Ron first meet in The Socerer's Stone, Harry is in awe with everything that deals with magic. Before his 11th birthday, he had no idea about wizards, wands, and spells. When Ron asks Harry if he wants to see him do magic, Hermione pops her head into the train car. With judgment on her face, she tells Ron to continue on with his unsupervised spell, but as expected, it does not work.

Hermione then introduces herself and casts a spell on Harry's broken glasses. Ron's entire demeanor during this interaction is a mix between annoyance and defeat. He gives Harry a who-does-this-girl-think-she-is look, but little does he know that the three would become inseparable.

Defending His Kidnapping of Harry

Rupert and Daniel in Harry Potter
Warner Bros. Pictures

Ron's mom, Molly Weasley, was out for blood when she discovered that he and the twins were not at home, the car was gone, and there was no mention of their whereabouts. However, once Ron started talking about Harry being "starved" at his aunt and uncle's home, Molly's attitude changed.

Ron knows that his mother shows her love through knitted sweaters and food, so by letting her know that Harry was in need of her home cooking, he got let off easy. Ron did get wide-eyed at the threat of having bars put on his windows, but Mama Weasley likely forgot about that as she made a plate for her favorite non-redheaded child.

Being Afraid of Spiders

Rupert Grint and Daniel Radcliffe with Aragog
Warner Bros. Pictures

In almost every Harry Potter movie, Ron seems to encounter a spider, and he absolutely hates it. In the second film, The Chamber of Secrets, Hagrid tells Ron and Harry to "follow the spiders" to help him clear his name for a crime he did not commit. Ron half-jokingly asks why can't they follow after a trail of butterflies, but he sets out on the mission anyway.

Already uneasy about following the eight-legged critters, the boys find themselves in a den full of huge spiders. They end up running for their lives from Aragog's "children," and Ron's fear never diminishes.

Shutting Up Lockhart

Lockhart, Harry, and Ron in Harry Potter
Warner Bros. Pictures

Not all teacher are noble at Hogwarts, and Harry and Ron both learn that early on with Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Lockhart. The fraud of a wizard attempts to wipe the memories of the boys while in the Chamber of Secrets, but his spell backfires. He wipes his own memory instead.

Lockhart begins asking Ron who he is, where they are, and what is going on. Annoyed with the teacher's constant questions and finding his mental state to be completely useless in the given situation, Ron takes a rock and whacks Lockhart over the head. The professor is knocked unconscious, and the Harry can continue on his mission without the unnecessary noise and chatter.

Scared of Buckbeak

Buckbeak the Hippogriff & Professor Rubeus Hagrid in Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban
Warner Bros

Anyone would be smart to be wary of Hagrid and his creatures; he is, after all, responsible for sending Harry and Ron into a massive spider's home in the Forbidden Forest. When students show up to Hagrid's outdoor classroom in The Prisoner of Azkaban, everyone is in curious as well as hesitant when Buckbeak, a Hippogriff, presents himself.

The students, except for Harry, collectively take a step back when asked who would like to introduce themselves to the magical creature. When Harry realizes that he looks like a volunteer for the task, Ron pushes him forward with a fearful expression on his face. What are true friends for if not to push one another far beyond their comfort zones?

Whimpering Through Pain

Ron Weasley in Harry Potter
Warner Bros. Pictures

Physical comedy is always great when it happens to someone else. While Ron is in a cast healing from a broken leg, Dumbledore nonchalantly pats Ron's leg while speaking with Harry and Hermione. Instead of getting the professor's attention or simply telling him to stop touching his mangled leg, Ron sits in bed and not-so-quietly whimpers through the pain. Fans can see the grimace of the young man's face while he reaches out in hopes that the caring touch will stop, but we can't help but wince along with Ron.

Drowsy Embarrassment

Ron Weasley in Harry Potter
Warner Bros. Pictures

No one likes to feel vulnerable in front of their crush, so when Hermione surprises Ron and Harry by waking them up first thing in the morning in The Goblet of Fire, Ron covers himself with his blanket. By the look on his face, he feels exposed with the idea that Hermione saw him asleep in his pajamas.

Hermione does not give a second thought about his reaction, and instead, she sternly tells them that Mrs. Weasley has breakfast waiting downstairs. She promptly leaves the room while telling the two that they need to hurry up and get ready. The embarrassment is brief, but the adorable reaction caught the attention of fans.

Admiring His Formal Wear

Ron Weasley in Yule Ball attire (Harry Potter)
Warner Bros. Pictures

When it comes to looking sharp, Mrs. Weasley knows just the formal outfit to send Ron that will have heads turning. Unfortunately for Ron, people will be staring in amusement rather than admiration. Mrs. Weasley sent Ron traditional dress robes to wear while attending the Yule Ball, and his three siblings could not be happier that his name was on the package rather than theirs.

Ron does not hold back how much he loathes his outfit; he even says he smells like his Great Aunt Tessie, and by the sound of it, that does not mean anything good for him or his date.

Checking Out the Ladies

Girls school from Harry Potter (1)
Warner Bros. Pictures

When the ladies from the Beauxbaton Academy make their grand entrance into the dining hall, Ron cannot keep his eyes off of them. Then, throughout their time at Hogwarts, Ron finds himself staring a bit too long as the pretty girls walk by. At one point, Ron is brought back to the Gryffindor common room because he went weak from trying to talk to Fleur Delacour.

While recalling the incident to Harry and several others, Ron says, "There she was, walking by. You know how I like it when they walk." Fans could not cringe fast enough from his admiration. Watching Ron make a fool of himself in front of a young woman he barely knows is bad enough, but for him to openly admit he is entranced with how she and her schoolmates glide is hysterical.

Hermione Blasts Him Away

Hermione in Harry Potter
Warner Bros. Pictures

While training as Dumbledore's Army in The Order of the Phoenix, students would go up against one another with certain spells to be sure they were producing them right and getting their aim down. When Ron and Hermione found themselves opposing one another, Ron told Hermione that he would go easy on her.

With all eyes on the two of them, Ron's brothers were already placing bets. Hermione did not hesitate one bit to hit Ron with the stupefy spell that launched him from his standing point. While flying through the air, Ron let out a high-pitched squeal and landed with a loud thud. Several students cheered on Hermione while she laughed at her friend's defeat.
