The Kung Fu Pandafranchise is a DreamWorks Animation series that revolves around a panda named Po who discovers his hidden talent for kung fu runs far deeper than he ever could have imagined. The popular franchise has spawned a total of three films and a number of TV series. Featuring an ensemble cast including Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, and Jackie Chan, Kung Fu Panda was a surprise smash and has become a staple in many family households.
With a new addition to the film lineup — Kung Fu Panda 4 is set to be released in 2024 — fans have plenty of time to watch the first three films to catch up. One of the biggest appeals of the films is the action sequences sprinkled throughout that features some wonderfully animated martial arts choreography. Some of these sequences stand out more than others and will stick in your mind. Here are the best fight sequences in the Kung Fu Panda franchise, ranked.
10 Po Fights for the Dumpling
In Kung Fu Panda, Po begins to train with Master Shi Fu to prove himself worthy of being called the Dragon Warrior. During his training, the two sit down to have dumplings, but Shi Fu takes the dumplings right out from under Po. They fight using chopsticks, forcing Po to utilize his dexterity if he really wants the dumpling. After a long series of Po fighting Shi Fu and eventually getting the dumpling, he throws the dumpling to his master and says he's not hungry, showing how far Po has come in his training, no longer focused solely on food.
9 Shen vs Master Rhino
In this battle in Kung Fu Panda 2, we see the hidden skills of Shen as he faces off with Master Rhino, using his sword and flashing his tail to distract his enemies. While the initial fight is unique, Shen quickly cheats and cracks out his weaponry, which forces Master Rhino to his knees. While this fight scene is short and seems anticlimactic, part of what makes it so outstanding is Shen's willingness to cause bodily harm to his enemies, not caring at all about the score being even. This fight is one of the darker sequences in the franchise, but it shows how evil Shen really is.
8 Panda Village Fight
In Kung Fu Panda 3, Po discovers the panda village where his people are. Unfortunately, Po's presence at the village brings trouble. Jade versions of talented warriors arrive and Po leads them through the village to be attacked by his fellow pandas through some very comedic forms of attack, including the belly gong and Tigress fighting with a child in one hand, who slaps the enemy after calling him mean. This climactic fight brings a great deal of humor to a rather dark situation while also keeping the audience intrigued with the action.
7 Tai Lung Escapes Prison
In the original film, it was crucial to prove how dangerous Tai Lung really is, and what better way to do that than to watch him escape from prison on his own using only a feather? Tai Lung's kung fu skills are extraordinary as he takes on an entire prison guard with ease, evading every attempt to stop him. This sequence is not only a joy to watch, but it shows what the team is up against as Tai Lung wants the dragon scroll and will stop at nothing to get it, proving his commitment and determination.
6 Kai vs Oogway
There's no doubt that viewers always wondered about Master Oogway's talents when he was younger. This wish to see his kung fu skills came to life in Kung Fu Panda 3, when Oogway fights Kai. While Kai is driven by anger and hatred, Oogway takes on the challenge with a light-hearted laugh and a smile. Throughout the fight, he not only holds his own, but he spouts meaningful quotes, like "The more you take, the less you have." Not only is this sequence visually appealing, but seeing Oogway finally fight for more than a minute was a wish fulfilled for fans of the franchise.
5 Po vs Shen
There's no doubt that Kung Fu Panda 2brought a whole new level of challenges to Po, forcing him to face his past and deal with his demons. The harsh reality of how Shen was responsible for Po being torn from his birth parents only adds to the impact of the final fight between them. After Shen wreaks havoc on the community and Po's friends, the Dragon Warrior finds his inner peace and fights off Shen's cannons with ease, harnessing his energy to redirect the canon fire back to Shen. Shen and Po then fight hand-to-hand until the villain is crushed by the cannon, accepting his fate.
4 Po vs Kai
In the final sequence of Kung Fu Panda 3, Po faces off against Kai. When he discovers he can harness the energy of the jade blades, he utilizes this to his advantage, and proves himself worthy of his title as the dragon warrior, using his powers to create a dragon of energy and flying around. He gives Kai a run for his money and uses his chi, which overloads Kai's system as the power was never meant for him. This scene is visually appealing, with a dragon of light leading the way and the yin-yang symbol arriving towards the end of the sequence. Needless to say, Po proved himself yet again and tapped even more into his power.
3 Protect the Jade Palace
Kung Fu Panda 3is full of phenomenal battle sequences, raising the bar from the previous films. One such sequence that deserves more attention is the protection of the Jade Palace. In Kai's first appearance before the Furious Five, he shows off his intimidation, with Crane and Mantis both being under his control. What remains of the Furious Five and Master Shi Fu take on Kai to protect the Jade Palace. They fail and all their chi is stolen by the villain, except for Tigress who survives thanks to Shi Fu. While this fight didn't have a happy ending, watching it unfold is phenomenal.
2 Shen vs The Masters
Shen's petulant behavior makes him one of the most hated characters in the entire Kung Fu Panda franchise. When Po and the Furious Five struggle to pin Shen down, the Kung Fu Masters arrive to assist and block him from escape. This battle sequence unfolds beautifully, with action being covered in every corner and every character doing something. The phenomenal fight choreography flows with ease and is visually appealing as each character mingles with the others, fighting in complete harmony. Shen insists on firing on them and shoots at Po, but Tigress pushes him out of the way and takes the hit for him.
1 The Bridge
Without a doubt the best fight sequence comes from the original Kung Fu Panda. After Master Shi Fu is informed about Tai Lung's escape, the Furious Five take off to stop him from reaching the Jade Palace and stealing the dragon scroll. The Five intercept Tai Lung on a bridge, which winds up being cut, but is held up by four of the Five as Tigress takes on Tai Lung. The bridge takes progressive damage and becomes less and less supportive until the Five use their power to knock Tai Lung down. After they believe they've knocked him down, Tai Lung comes back up and uses a special move to freeze the Five.
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