Star Wars: 9 Best Redemption Arcs in the Franchise, Ranked

One of the defining aspects of an effective story is often compelling character development. There aren't many things more enjoyable than watching a character develop in a story in thrilling, compelling ways. The redemption arc is a popular type of character development. So, what exactly is a redemption arc? Essentially, it is a plot technique in which a villainous, destructive character (or one who exhibits such tendencies, i.e. a morally questionable character) atones for their failures and triumphs, transforming from villain to hero. With their deeds towards the end of the novel, these individuals atone for their darkest mistakes, giving their characters a strong and uplifting development. Some of the most memorable villains are the ones who end up becoming heroes.

The amortization arc has always been absolutely fundamental to the Star Wars universe for a considerable period of time. Star Wars writers have managed to get us to root for these people, whether they started out as technicians or outright villains. Because the brand states that there is always goodness in individuals, we want them to struggle their way out of the shadows. While some fans anxiously await a Jar Jar Binks redemption arc, for now we'll have to be content with the characters who have already had their positive development. From Cassian Andor to Anakin Skywalker, this one Star Wars franchise redemption stories are some of the best.

9 Cassian Andor

Diego Luna in Andor
Luke movie

When Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) first appears in Andor, he kills a defenseless man who stood in the way of his escape. While the act is horrific, his morals are demonstrated by the obvious toll it takes on him. Cassian is an intelligence officer for the Rebel Alliance in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, where his work is dangerous, but his instructions are often worse. The Death Star's designer, Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen), is ordered to be killed during the film, which displeases Cassian, especially after noticing how optimistic Jyn (Felicity Jones) is about reconnecting with her father . As he explains, "Rebellions are based on hope." Since Cassian offered Jyn that hope, he decides not to follow instructions and spares Galen's life so that she and her father can be reunited.

Cassian was a bigger character because he followed his heart despite his questionable beginnings.

8 Galen Erso

Mads Mikkelsen as Galen Erso revealed in Star Wars: Rogue One
MovieWeb Gallery

Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn), a vengeful character, kidnaps Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen) and demands that he work on the Death Star project. He agrees to join Krennic in rescuing his infant daughter, the last member of Galen's family still alive. Even though most of Galen's operations take place off-screen, the viewer is aware of his efforts to keep the Empire from triumphing. Galen destroys the Death Star despite the risk to himself and persuades Imperial pilot Bodhi Rook to flee to inform the Rebel Alliance of the Death Star's vulnerability. Galen's goodness is shown by the fact that he continues to do good deeds while imprisoned by Krennic and the Imperials and even mentors Bodhi Rook.

7 Lando Calissian

Billy Dee Williams' son speaks out on Star Wars 9 Lando Rumors

Before we meet Lando Calissian (Billy Dee Williams), we hear a lot about him. When he first appears Star Wars: The Empire Strikes BackThe dishonest villain Han thinks he's meeting is deceptively endearing, but that persona quickly crumbles when it's revealed that Lando has made a pact with Darth Vader (David Prowse/James Earl Jones). By successfully rescuing Han, rising to the rank of general in the Rebel Alliance, and eventually teaming up with Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) in the sequel trilogy to try and thwart the First Order, Lando more than atones for his violations. Williams was the first notable black actor in the Star Wars franchise, which is why it was crucial for Lando to redeem himself, since even in the 1980s casting him as a villain would have been conventional and retarded.

6 Finnish

John Boyega as Finn in Star Wars

Finnish (John Boyega) never helped kill innocent people, even when he was a member of the First Order. He was also kidnapped as a youth and as a result raised solely by the First Order. However, his atonement involves more than just going from good to terrible. Finn was almost cowardly in his lack of desire to help the galaxy; he not only supported the suppression of the First Order, but also wanted to flee from the resistance. It's easy to overlook the former stormtrooper's lack of interest in heroism during the first trilogy, as he spent the second trying to find his place in the Resistance and displaying such tremendous bravery during the sequel trilogy .

5 Han Solo

Walt Disney Studios movies

Han Solo (Harrison Ford) committed several petty offenses during his lifetime while also smuggling goods, working for the Empire, and serving as an assassin. And for most of the time he and Chewie were together, he showed a shocking lack of respect for other people's lives. Han's way of life has moral highs and lows, especially when he leaves the Rebellion/New Republic to resume smuggling after the birth of Kylo Ren. For all his shortcomings, Han eventually proved himself to have a decent heart. His final moment of redemption occurred when he gave his life in an attempt to save his child.

4 Obi Wan Kenobi & Yoda

Walt Disney Studios movies

Only after Order 66 Obi Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and iodine (Frank Oz) were left over from the Jedi High Council and they were forced to live in exile for the rest of their lives while they waited for a new hero to appear. Both adored Jedi are subject to valid accusations from the supercilious Jedi Order of the Republic era, and neither are immune from controversial views or censure. However, they more than made amends for any mistakes or mistakes they had made during that time, in their exile, suffering, and helping Luke Skywalker save the galaxy; their redemption was not just for them, but for every Jedi before them.

3 Kylo Ren / Ben Solo

kylo ren ben solo star wars
Walt Disney Studios movies

Because he's Anakin's grandson, Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) was first portrayed as a Darth Vader con in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Like his grandfather, Ben Solo was once drawn to the dark side and is now wreaking havoc across the galaxy. Especially indoors Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Kylo comes out as a spoiled, vengeful man child. But, as the son of Han Solo and Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher), could he really have completed his arc without going back to the light? Kylo's redemption is controversial but necessary, and it gives the series a heartfelt moment. In order to regain his identity as Ben Solo, Kylo is actually peeling back the layers. Armed with his father's blaster and his relatives' lightsabers, he fights to the death.

2 Luke Skywalker

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars The Last Jedi
Walt Disney Studios movies

Regarding Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), The Last Jedi has established itself as the most divisive episode in the Star Wars series. Still, there's no denying that Luke's journey to reconciliation is a beautiful one. Luke left the Force after disappointing his cousin and fled into exile, unaware of the suffering of the Galaxy and the Resistance. By the time the movie comes out, Luke will have fought off a slew of First Order Soldiers alongside Kylo Ren, and has given the Resistance some optimism that they might escape and survive. Luke recognized his mistakes and skillfully fixed them.

1 Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader

hayden christensen anakin skywalker
Luke movie

Hayden Christensen's rendition of Anakin Skywalker the format for fixed Star Wars redemption stories. He was menacing and intimidating like Darth Vader, but George Lucas gave the man behind the mask some humanity Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Anakin gained complexity and dimensions in the subsequent prequel trilogy, particularly in the Star Wars: the Clone Wars animated series, which made his decision to join the dark side all the more tragic. In fact, the prequels and The Clone Wars together made his rescue more meaningful.

The fear of losing the people he loved made Anakin an easy target for Palpatine's (Ian McDiarmid) manipulation when he worked with the Senate. At the time, Anakin was far too young and immature to be accepted into the Jedi Order. The tragedy is that Palpatine used his inherent goodness to further his own agenda, turning him into a ruthless assassin. Anakin found in his son Luke Skywalker the unquestioning faith in him that he so desperately sought. He left on his own terms after rescuing Luke and temporarily ending Palpatine's dictatorship. Anakin's repentance is a really satisfying way to wrap up his story.
