MCU: The most tragic characters in the franchise

In a universe surrounded by superheroes, gods, mad titans, mutants, aliens and MCU prides itself on telling very personal stories, with characters that many of us can relate to and sympathize with. These alien and super-powered characters have been through their fair share of tragedies on their journey to become better people and characters. Whether they lost their parents, the loves of their lives, or forgot the entire universe they ever existed, these MCU characters have the most tragic backstories and superhero journeys in the franchise.

10 Eric Killmonger

Black Panther's Killmonger - Michael B. Jordan
Walt Disney Studios movies

by Erik Killmonger (Michael B Jordan) journey to become one of the best MCU villains was certainly a tragic one. At a young age, Erik watched his father, the Wakandan prince, N'Jobu (Sterling K. Brown), be murdered at the hands of his brother, King T'Chaka (Atandwa Kani), after N'Jobu attempted to Zuri (Denzel Dominique Whitaker) for revealing his plan to use Wakanda's technology to help people of African descent from oppression. T'Chaka then left Erik to fend for himself, which fueled Erik with anger and vengeance against King T'Chaka and the entire nation of Wakanda. Erik joined the Navy SEALs and gained skills that he later used to perform mercenary jobs for money while patiently waiting to retaliate and take his place as Wakanda's new leader.

9 Drax

Dave Bautista Drax
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Drax (Dave Bautista) may be one of the funniest MCU characters, but his humor doesn't hide his tragic backstory. Before joining the Guardians, his wife and child were brutally murdered by Ronan the Accuser, sending Drax on an unstoppable rampage across the galaxy, earning him the name Drax the Destroyer. Fueled by vengeance, Drax searched high and low to avenge his wife and daughter and kill Ronan. Fortunately, Ronan was defeated with the help of his new found family, The Guardians of the Galaxy. While we knew how much anger his family's death meant, we never knew the real pain he felt, until Mantis (Pom Klementieff), an empath, broke down upon feeling the pain Drax was carrying.

8 Black Widow

Black Widow
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While being one of the deadliest assassins in the world is a very impressive feat, it does have consequences. As a child, Natasha Romanoff (Scarlet Johansson) was played in the Red Room, where she was taught to master hand-to-hand combat, acrobatics, weapon training, and tactical skills. The Red Room used psychological conditioning to make the Widows obedient, including forcing the Widows to spar with each other, and the Widow who loses being killed by their opponent. Since Natasha survived, we can imagine that Natasha sadly killed many of her fellow widows.

Likewise, the widows are handcuffed to their beds while they sleep, forced to perform ballet routines repeatedly to make them unbreakable, and have their ability to bear children gruesomely removed. Natasha has a lot of red in her ledger, which fueled her ambition to do good to the world, save it a few times, and even sacrifice herself for it.

7 Loki

Tom-Hiddleston-As-Loki-Marvel (1)
Walt Disney Studios movies

Being kidnapped at a young age and being a complete lie all your life, by your father no less, is guaranteed to turn anyone into a villain. give Loki (Tom Hiddleston) this tragic backstory made fans sympathize with the villain from the start. Loki has constantly lived in Thor's (Chris Hemsworth) shadow, forcing his hand at rogue and world domination, only to be stopped by his brother. In addition, Loki was also responsible for his mother's death, filling Loki with insurmountable amounts of guilt. After strengthening his brotherly bond with his brother Thor, Loki sacrifices himself to save his brother's life.

6 Star Lord

Chris-Pratt-As-Star-Lord-MCU (1)
Walt Disney Studios movies

Peter Quill (Chris Pratt), the goofball of the galaxy, sadly lost his mother to a deadly battle with cancer when he was just young. Moments later, Quill was then kidnapped by a group of destroyers who wanted to eat him, but were soon convinced by their leader Yondu (Michael Rooker) to teach him the ways of a destroyer instead. Years later, Quill met his real father, who wasn't exactly who he said as it was soon revealed that Ego (Kurt Russel) actually killed Peter's mother. During the epic battle with Ego, Yondu sacrifices himself for Quill and Quill learns that Yondu was the father he never had.

After falling in love with Peter Quill, Gamora (Zoe Saldana) asked Peter to kill her if she was ever captured by her father, in order to hide the Soul Stone's location. Inevitably, Thanos (Josh Brolin) caught Gamora, and after failing to kill her himself, Thanos killed Gamora himself, leaving Peter Quill without Gamora.

5 Mist

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Nebula (Karen Gillan) is a criminally underrated MCU character, whose tragic backstory is often overlooked in favor of others. Being the daughter of a mad titan is something we wouldn't wish on our worst enemy, especially when we know how he treated his daughter. Constantly trying to prove herself to her father, Nebula is torn apart again and again, each time gaining new upgrades and mechanics to become a better warrior just like her sister Gamora. Thanos' anarchy across the galaxy led the mad titan to adopt the humanoid alien after she killed her family just like Gamora.

4 The winter Soldier

Bucky Barnes - Captain America The Winter Soldier (2014)
Walt Disney Studios movies

First Bucky (Sebastian Stan) had a pretty good life. He enlisted in the army and ended up fighting alongside his childhood best friend, Steve Rogers (Chris Evans). However, after being injected with the super soldier serum and falling off a train, his life spiraled out of control. Forced through rigorous psychological manipulation tests, Bucky soon came under Hydra's control, and with his newfound powers and mechanical arm, he was forced to kill anyone Hydra ordered him to do, including Tony Stark's (Robert Downey Jr.) parents. After Steve gave up his mantle as Captain America, Bucky has worked tirelessly to forgive himself for his past sins.

3 Thor

Thor dark world Thor screams
Walt Disney Studios movies

The entire life of the Norse God of Thunder is filled with tragedy, especially after he joins the Avengers. Thor sadly lost many important people in his life, including his brother, whom he saw die countless times, his mother and father, and his best friend, Heimdall (Idris Elba), who was taken from him by Thanos. In addition, Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), the love of his life, broke up with him after a few years of dating, and his guilt over the loss of Thanos forced Thor into a pit of despair. Most recently, Thor held Jane Foster in his arms as she took her last breath after battling a deadly battle with cancer.

2 Wanda Maximoff

The Death of Wanda Maximoff Pietro
Walt Disney Studios movies

Love forces people to do a lot of horrible things, just ask Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen). As a child, Wanda's parents were killed in a bombing in Sokovia, and a few years later she and her brother Pietro (Aaron Taylor Johnson) underwent genetic testing by Hydra where they both gained their superpowers, which became Hydra and later Ultron (James Spader). ) used against the Avengers. After joining the Avengers, Wanda set out to find love with Vision (Paul Bettany), but sadly lost her brother when she battled Ultron.

Years later, when Thanos sought the Infinity Stones, Wanda was forced to kill her true love, Vision, and destroy the Mind Stone lodged in Vision's head. After killing the love of her life, Thanos used the Time Stone to resurrect Vision where Thanos then ripped the Mind Stone out of Vision's head, forcing Wanda to watch Vision die again.

Wanda's tragedy doesn't end there though, as after saving the universe from Thanos, Wanda went on to create Westview, a city corrupted by Wandas. Wanda finally created the perfect small town life, with her husband, Vision, her two children, Tommy and Billy, as well as her brother. Unfortunately, none of this was real, and she later had to remove her hex, say goodbye to Vision once more, and sadly lose her children, for whom she went to explore the multiverse.

1 Spider-Man

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The MCU's Spider-Man origin story follows much the same as that of any Spider-Man (Tom Holland) for him. He was bitten by a radioactive spider and sadly lost his Uncle Ben at the hands of a criminal. A story as old as time. However, it's Spider-Man's journey through the MCU that brings us to tears every time. First, Peter Parker lost his mentor and father figure, Tony Stark, and later he lost his Aunt May (Marisa Tomei). But the real kicker was when Peter Parker told Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) to cast a spell to make everyone in the multiverse forget who he was, and send the villains and the two other Spider-Men back to the universes they came from. This meant that Doctor Strange, Happy, Ned and MJ forgot he ever existed. Peter Parker now lives completely on his own in a world.
