Harry Potter: 10 Times Magic Was Performed Outside Hogwarts (When It Shouldn't Have Happened)

Regardless of culture, species or world, it can be agreed that children and teens need rules and order, especially indoors Harry Potter. I don't want to sound like the evil Dolores Umbridge, but kids, including wizards and witches, enjoy pushing boundaries out of defiance or sheer curiosity. Harry, Hermione, and Ron were no exception to this natural inclination of young adults. From the start, the trio often got into trouble because of where they were or their uncontrolled use of magic. The Ministry of Magic has a strict rule that wizards and witches under the age of 17 are not allowed to use magic outside of school or where Muggles can see it. Freshmen are told this information, but somehow students, and sometimes adults, find themselves bending or completely breaking the rule.

During the Harry Potter movies allow fans to blatantly watch students and even teachers break the law, but rarely does anyone get a real reprimand. Harry and his friends find justification in breaking the rule. Hermione, who is a very strict rule follower, even agrees that sometimes the rules need to be challenged for a greater purpose. Here are 10 cases where magic was used when it shouldn't have happened.



10 Harry releases the snake

Harry Potter and the Serpent (1)
Warner Bros. Pictures

Before Harry even knew he was a wizard and that magic existed, he could get into trouble with the Dursleys for using it unknowingly. When the family visits the London Zoo, Harry and Dudley watch a large python in its glass enclosure. Dudley, bored that the snake isn't moving, walks away. Harry starts talking to the snake and discovers to his own surprise that the snake understands him. Dudley knocks Harry aside to get a better look at him, and Harry's frustration and rage spells make the glass of the fence disappear. Dudley falls into the exhibit and the snake escapes. While The Ministry of Magic recognizes that accidents do happen to young wizards who are not experienced in controlling their emotions (meaning their magical abilities), this mishap could have had fatal consequences.

9 Hermione fixes Harry's glasses

Harry Potter has his glasses repaired (1)
Warner Bros. Pictures

On their first train journey to Hogwarts, Hermione stops at Ron and Harry's cabin to ask about a missing toad. She notices Ron has a wand in his hand and tells him to show them a spell. He tries to turn his rat yellow, but fails. Hermione then admits to successfully trying a few spells, then proceeds to use her wand to fix the center point of Harry's glasses. This scene shows exactly why there is a rule that prohibits underage wizards and witches from using magic without supervision. Hermione may be the more cautious witch doing her research and working on her pronunciation before casting a spell, but someone like Ron could easily hurt herself or someone else by trying to show off.

8 Harry and Ron steal the car

Harry and Ron steal the car
Warner Bros. Pictures

After the gate to Platform 9¾ is supposedly sealed, Harry and Ron become trapped in the muggle world and miss their train. Harry suggests they should wait by the car, but another idea arises. The two decide to take the Weasley family's vehicle and fly to the train. When they are in the air for the first time, Harry Ron points out that muggles are not used to seeing a flying car. Ron initiates the "invisibility booster" and they are on their way. After a rough ride to Hogwarts, the boys are reprimanded by Professor Snape for making the news when a handful of muggles reported seeing a flying car. Ron later gets a howl from his mother, Molly Weasley, who continues to yell at him for taking the car.

7 Harry practices Lumos Maxima

Harry Potter with Lumos Maxima
Warner Bros. Pictures

At the beginning of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry is seen under the sheets trying to read. He has his wand in hand and he casts a spell to produce light and not disturb the rest of the house. This doesn't work very well because Vernon comes in thinking he heard or saw something from Harry's room. Although this spell is not used on another individual, nor in front of muggles, Harry still violates the decree for the reasonable restriction of sorcery by minors. Interestingly, he doesn't receive a letter saying the Ministry of Magic knows he broke a rule, and no one mentions it when he later arrives at Hogwarts.

6 Harry turns Marge into a balloon

Harry Potter - Marge blown up
Warner Bros. Pictures

After Uncle Herman's sister, Marge, insults both of Harry's parents, he takes matters into his own hands. His anger builds, as everyone can see from the flickering lights and rattling plates, but he inadvertently casts a spell to make Marge blow up like a balloon. She inflates so much that she floats up and away in the air. Knowing he's in trouble, Harry grabs a bag and runs off. He ends up at the Leaky Cauldron and is presented to the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge. Fudge tells Harry that his uncle's sister has been found, deflated and her memory erased. He further expresses that Harry will not face expulsion for this crime, even though Harry points out that he is underage.

5 Harry uses his invisibility cloak

Harry Potter uses the invisibility cloak
Warner Bros. Pictures

Harry receives his father's invisibility cloak as a gift from Professor Dumbledore on his first Christmas at Hogwarts. He uses the magic item well, but also sometimes uses it to his own sneaky advantage. While in town with other Hogwarts students, Harry starts throwing snowballs at Draco Malfoy and his minions for harassing Ron and Hermione. Later in town, Harry dons the cloak to follow Professor McGonagall, Fudge, and Rosmerta into a room after hearing his name. He eavesdrops on their conversation and discovers that Sirius Black not only wants to kill Harry, but that he is also Harry's godfather. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceHarry uses his cloak to eavesdrop on Draco while on the train.

4 The battle between Harry and Voldemort

Harry Potter and Voldemort Battle - Goblet of Fire
Warner Bros. Pictures

After Harry and Cedric reach the Triwizard Cup, concluding the tournament, they are transported to a graveyard where Tom Riddle was buried. On Lord Voldemort's orders, Pettigrew kills Cedric and casts a spell to resurrect his master. Lord Voldemort then puts on a show where he torments Harry and parades around as he plans to kill the young wizard. With no other option, Harry engages in a brief battle that results in a standstill between his power and Lord Voldemort's. Due to this interaction, ghosts of those whom Lord Voldemort previously killed begin to appear. Harry's parents appear at his side and tell him how to escape the Dark Lord. When Harry returns to the tournament grounds with Cedric's body, no one asks him if he used magic to survive.

3 Harry rescues Dudley

Harry Potter - Dudley is killed by a dementor
Warner Bros. Pictures

While Harry is being harassed by Dudley and his friends on a playground, the blue sky suddenly turns dark. The friends run off and Dudley soon realizes that Harry is not causing the weather change. The two boys run to a tunnel to get away from the darkness, but a Dementor comes and pins Harry against a wall. Harry tells Dudley to run, but the boy ends up under a second Dementor. Both seem doomed as the Dementors suck their souls out of their bodies. Harry can reach his wand and he uses the Expect patronum spell to send both Dementors away. He helps Dudley back to their house, but is greeted with an eviction letter for using magic in front of a Muggle. Harry goes to court to confront the Ministry of Magic to justify his actions, and with Professor Dumbledore's help, he is allowed back to Hogwarts.

2 Draco paralyzes Harry

Draco stands over Harry Potter - Harry's POV
Warner Bros. Pictures

While on the train to Hogwarts, Harry uses his invisibility cloak to spy on Draco. After creating a smoky distraction, Harry, wrapped in his cloak, climbs onto the luggage rack above Draco and his friends. Draco doesn't give away much information, but he does see a briefcase moving above him. When everyone gets off the train, Draco lingers. He casts a spell to lower all the curtains on the windows, and then he casts a paralysis spell on Harry. The latter falls to the ground, unable to move. After Draco insults Harry's mother, he kicks him and breaks his nose. Draco then throws the cloak back at Harry, thinking it will end up back in London if no one finds it on the floor. Surprisingly, Draco received no consequences for this stunt.

1 Fight at the cave

Weasley House on fire
Warner Bros. Pictures

Back at the Weasley's house on Christmas Day, a ring of fire suddenly surrounds the residence and Bellatrix Lestrange appears. Knowing she is coming for him, Harry chases her into the swamp fields as Remus Lupine and Nymphadora Tonks try to contain the fire. Ginny comes out of the house and runs through the ring of fire after Harry. The two underage wizards face Bellatrix and Fenrir Greyback, but they easily hide in the swamp. The two underage wizards are able to fend off the Death Eaters when help arrives, but the Weasley's house burns to the ground. Everyone stands around watching the flames take over the house.
