Brachial Plexus Injury - A Birth Injury

The brachial plexus is a system of nerves. They extend from the neck down to the arm and hand. A brachial plexus injury occurs when it is damaged. Usually, damage occurs during childbirth when the baby's shoulders become compressed while passing through the birth canal, but it can happen at any time.

Out of 2,000 babies born each year, one or two of them suffer from this birth injury in the United States. Most of these injuries could have been prevented. If you have a question about a situation that has led to an injury, contact a medical attorney now.

Risk factors for brachial plexus injury

There are several risk factors for these injuries; a complicated delivery is the biggest risk factor. Some cases are:

  • The baby is in a breech position or weighs more than 9 lbs

  • Labor takes a long time

  • The mother's pelvis is small or abnormal in shape

  • Excessive force is used to free the baby

These cases increase the risk of nerve damage.

Nerve damage: from stretch to tears

There are different ranges of nerve damage, mild to severe. This depends on the type of damage done to the nerves. The damage can cause the hand, arm, or wrist to be limp, have no feeling, or lack muscle control.

In a brachial plexus injury, the types of damage to the nerve include:

  • Neuropraxia is the most common injury to the brachial plexus and occurs when one of the nerves is stretched

  • Neuroma is a brachial plexus injury that occurs when a damaged nerve has healed but scar tissue prevents it from transmitting signals to the muscles

  • Rupture refers to a torn nerve, but the nerve has not been torn from the spine

  • Avulsion is the most serious injury to the brachial plexus and occurs when the nerve is torn away from where it attaches to the spine

However, minor injuries usually heal on their own; serious injuries require extensive treatments such as surgery. Even with treatment, children rarely get better from a brachial plexus injury.

Two types of paralysis

Such an injury leading to paralysis comes in two different types. One is Erb-Duchenne palsy (Erb's palsy) and Dejerine-Klumpke (Klumpke's palsy). The location of this paralysis is what distinguishes the two types.

Many medical facilities across the country only focus on treating these two types of brachial plexus injuries. The surgeries for these conditions are very special and it is in your best interest to find the treatment needed in a facility that caters to these injuries.

Diagnosis and treatment

If your baby does not have the required muscle control after delivery, or has a limp arm or hand, take your child for medical attention. An injury should be treated as soon as there are signs or symptoms for a greater chance of a full recovery.

There are many types of tests to diagnose these injuries, such as:

  • MRIs

  • CT scans

  • Nerve conduction studies

A minor brachial plexus injury may heal on its own or some physical therapy may be provided. In severe cases, surgery may be an option. This process includes nerve grafts, nerve transfers, muscle transfers, or other surgeries.

Questions about medical negligence?

If you believe medical negligence is the cause of your baby's birth injury, contact an attorney. Medical lawyers have years of experience in these types of cases. They can assess your case free of charge. They determine whether you have a case and advise you about your legal options.
