15 Things Final Destination Has Made People Scared Of

Since the first term in 2000, the Final destination franchise has spooked audiences with an array of imaginative and gory death scenarios. Even more than a decade after its final installment in 2011, the franchise continues to inspire phobias ranging from relatively realistic events to far-fetched freak accidents.

The films generally follow the same premise each time: a horrific accident looms as the protagonist experiences a premonition and warns of things to come. When they give their warning, a fight usually breaks out, resulting in several individuals being separated from the crowd and thus spared from death. Death, however, tries to claim the lives that have escaped its grasp. The survivors fight fate as freak accidents take them out one by one. Of all the horrific deaths in the Final destination franchise, here are fifteen in particular that led to irrational fears.



15 Logging trucks

final destination 2
New line cinema

If you want to be absolutely terrified of ever driving behind a log truck, Final destination 2 will do just the right thing. In this second installment's series of car crashes, a lumberjack truck causes a deadly pileup of cars. We see a large log fly straight out of the truck and head straight for a horrified driver, whose blood and guts have splattered all over the log on its way out the back of the vehicle. Admittedly, it's not likely that many of us will be driving behind a lumber truck at any given time. That said, the movie goes on to demonstrate a variety of gruesome ways to go from a car, including yet another impalement. If there aren't many lumber trucks in your area, watch out for truckloads of PVC pipes. In the same movie, we see characters injured and killed by PVC pipes flying through their cars.

14 cars

Final destination 2
Warner Bros. Pictures

The whole ofFinal destination 2 seems almost designed to scare off new drivers. The premonition, a staple of every Final destination movie, happens when Kimberly Corman predicts there will be a fatal car accident on the way to Daytona Beach. It happens, while Kimberly and her friends are spared, when their car stalls and prevents them from getting onto the highway where the accident takes place. Those who were in traffic behind them ended up avoiding the jam as well, with Death sooner or later catching up with most of them. Final destination 2 gives us general crashes, exaggerated pile-ups, gruesome impalements, vehicle malfunctions, and vehicle explosions - perhaps the last movie you want to see right before a road trip.

13 Airplanes

Final Destination opening plane scene
New line cinema

The first movie in the franchise opens with none other than an exploding plane. As Alex and his classmates board their flight from Paris to New York, we see the people on board: families, couples, hopeful young people and busy staff. It's a run-of-the-mill run for all of them, until it isn't anymore. Alex's premonition leads to a fight between him and another student, eventually getting the two boys and a few other students off the flight. The plane explodes just as Alex feared, leading the FBI to question the teens. Following the formula of the films, the group is now being chased by Death. This is enough to make anyone a little more tense when boarding their next flight, but there's not much to fear. In fact, flying is statistically the safest mode of transportation!

12 Trains

Untitled (1200 × 630 px)-9
New line cinema

The third episode, Final destination 3, ends with a bit of a cliffhanger. The fate of Wendy and her friends is left ambiguous, as Wendy has a premonition that their subway will derail - but the outcome of this is not shown. Instead, the movie ends and viewers can assume that the train probably derailed, given the accuracy of every other premonition in the franchise. Just as viewers think the protagonists are safe, the film leaves us yet another chilling reminder of how unexpected death can come from any direction.

11 Falling statues

Untitled (1200 × 630 px)-10
New line cinema

It's hard to imagine how a relaxing day at the spa could end with your violent death, but final destination 5show us exactly how that can happen. After dodging death during the bridge collapse foreseen by Sam Lawton, Isaac Palmer is killed when a Buddha statue falls on him while undergoing acupuncture at a Chinese spa. Of course, this only happens after a succession of minor disasters such as the breakage of the massage table, the acupuncture needles penetrating deep into his skin and the outbreak of fire. After these measures fail to knock Isaac out, the Buddha statue falls and succeeds.

10 Falling stones

Untitled (1200 × 630 px)-11
New line cinema

Although Alex Browning's death is not shown as a scene in the films, it is referenced in Final destination 2. Clear Rivers is in a mental institution after the events of the first film and reveals that Alex has escaped death more than any other character in the franchise - seven times! He finally met his end when a rock fell on him, which Clear happens to have a photo of the aftermath.

9 Roller coasters

Final destination 3
New line cinema

Final destination 3 is set in motion when high school student Wendy Christensen (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) visits an amusement park with her friends. Before they can board the Devil's Flight roller coaster, Wendy has a premonition that the hydraulics securing the latch will fail and everyone aboard the ride will be killed. For those who don't consider themselves thrill seekers, roller coasters can be scary enough without the image of a derailed ride in your head. Final destination 3 will certainly have made the amusement park a little less amusing for some.

8 Sunbeds

Tanning bed Final destination 3
New line cinema

Following the failure of the roller coaster at the start of Final destination 3, survivors Ashley and Ashlyn visit a tanning salon. As if the claustrophobia of being in a box isn't uncomfortable enough for some, a terrifying new scenario is presented. As the girls listen to music and relax during their tanning session, the UV settings escalate to unbearable strength. The girls begin to sweat profusely and try to leave the tanning beds, only to realize they are trapped when a wooden plank somehow lodges itself in the crevice of the beds' lids. The girls are essentially baked until the glass holding the UV lamps breaks and all the structures catch fire. Fortunately for all avid tanners, most tanning beds these days don't close all the way and have wide openings at both ends.

7 Weights

Untitled (1200 × 630 px)-12
New line cinema

With yet another scene out Final destination 3, even the gym can be a scary place. Lewis is confident that Death will not catch up to him, and he dismisses Wendy and Kevin's warnings as urban legends. He is promptly proven wrong, as a chain reaction of mishaps causes a pair of decorative but real swords to swing down and slice vital structures in the weight machine Lewis uses, sending opposing weights slamming into his skull. His head is basically crushed, leaving Wendy and Kevin covered in blood and brains.

6 Flying tires

Untitled (1200 × 630 px)-13
New Line Cienma

The final destinationalso known as Final destination 4, gives us another head crushed in a stomach-turning fashion. Just as an accident at McKinley Speedway causes pandemonium amid falling debris, a tire is thrown over the edge of the stadium wall and crashes into Nadia Monroy. The image of the decapitated body with the severed scalp next to it in a pool of entrails lies beyond disgusting nightmare fuel, and it's just the beginning of the movie.

5 Laser eye surgery

final destination 5
Warner Bros. Pictures

This is perhaps one of the most awkward and panic-inducing scenes to watch in the entire franchise. In 2011 final destination 5, Olivia is already a little tired as she prepares for laser eye surgery. She nervously grabs hold of a teddy bear and grips so hard that one of its little eyes pops off and rolls onto the floor. A cup of water spills on some important wiring, sending the laser over Olivia's eye into overdrive. The laser burns into her eye and she struggles frantically to free herself from the medical restraints. Blinded and in terrible pain, Olivia slips on the teddy bear's eye, falls through a window and plunges to her death. As if this isn't gruesome enough, we also see her eye pop out of her dead body and get run over for good measure.

4 Movie screens

Cinema Final Destination
Warner Bros. Pictures

This death is pretty awful, but a little more palatable after the absolutely sickening laser surgery, flying tires, and weight machine deaths we just recapitulated. This one is also a bit simpler— Final destination 4 disables Janet when a fire breaks out behind a cinema screen, causing the screen to explode. While the people in the front rows may have quickly left in the first explosion, Janet is violently impaled by the shrapnel.

3 Lawnmowers

Untitled (1200 × 630 px)-14
New line cinema

Another death of Final destination 4, it can cause you to avoid proximity to running lawnmowers. Just as Samantha exits a building with her two young sons following behind, a lawnmower runs over a boulder and throws it right into Samantha's eye. The stone supposedly penetrates her brain and kills her instantly. This is one of the saddest scenes of the franchise, as we can only assume how traumatized the two little boys must be watching their mother die this way.

2 Swimming pool drains

Untitled (1200 × 630 px)-15
New line cinema

Another dead from the fourth episode, we have a deadly pool drain. Hunt is too busy bullying a little boy to notice that he has triggered the pool's drainage system. After some loose change rolls into the pool, for some reason he is determined to jump in and retrieve what appears to be only a quarter. He swims straight to the pool drain, the force of which dislodges him.

1 Hitchhike

Untitled (1200 × 630 px)-16
New line cinema

Finally, Final destination 2 may have created a fear of elevators in some viewers. Nora experiences a rather prolonged death while riding in an elevator. A strange man holding a basket with prosthetic arms with hooked ends sniffs her hair and one of his hooks gets caught in her braid. As she runs out of the elevator, the hook prevents her from getting out completely, and in her panic she wedges her head between the elevator doors as it begins to rise. This eventually decapitates her, despite others' attempts to pry her from the entrapment doors.
