Harry Potter: 10 Most Underrated Characters Who Deserve More Credit

Within the Harry Potter franchise, we have wholesome characters like Rubeus Hagrid and tragic characters like Draco Malfoy, but what about the underrated ones? Why shouldn't they get as much recognition as the main characters? Fan favorites like Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom were by Harry's side throughout the franchise and grew as he did. Side characters such as Kingsley Shacklebolt, Fleur Delacour, and Abeforth Dumbledore play minor roles in the films, but are integral to helping Harry defeat Lord Voldemort.

Thanks to rumors of a possible reboot, the world is up Harry Potter maybe never the same again. For its fans, the franchise has a lot of perfect things that can never be replicated even with a reboot, including the iconic characters and the actors who gave their all to portray them. While these characters may see little screen time, their accomplishments as underrated characters deserve special recognition.


10 Luna Lovegood

Luna Lovegood (1)
Warner Bros. Pictures

Luna Lovegood might just be one of our favorite characters in the franchise. From her ability to really be herself to her devotion to Harry, she constantly proved how important she was as a friend. Yes, she was quirky and strange, but she was the first to assist Harry when he needed them and she even helped save him from bullies like Draco Malfoy on a few occasions. Luna taught us that it was okay to be called the weird girl as long as you were able to truly accept and love yourself despite what others said.

9 Marcel Lubbermans

Marcel Lubbermans
Warner Bros.

Like Luna, that's no surprise Marcel Lubbermans is one of the most underrated characters on this list. His character also got the best if not one of the best character arcs in the franchise. He grew from a shy boy into a man who wasn't afraid to take on Lord Voldemort himself. If more characters could have grown the way Neville did, the group might have been able to defeat Voldemort years earlier. Thanks to his courage and love for his friends, Neville helped our three cores survive in more ways than one.

8 The Weasley Twins

Fred and George Weasley
Warner Bros.

Fred and George Weasley are mostly used in the series as comic relief, but for those who can see past the gags and gimmicks, the twins are vital in protecting Harry and his friends. Fred and Geroge were always on hand to help Harry with anything he needed, whether that was cracking jokes, helping him sneak out of the castle or even risking their lives, the twins were often found in the middle of trouble . Of course they wanted to keep things fun, they also knew how important it was to protect those they loved.

7 Kingsley Shacklebolt

harry potter kingsley
Warner Bros.

Kingsley Shacklebolt is an Auror for the Ministry of Magic and part of the Order of the Phoenix group. He constantly fought against Lord Voldemort and his minions, especially when they tried to overthrow the Ministry. He was a vital part of the final battle at Hogwarts and thanks to his efforts he was appointed Acting Minister for Magic after the events. Kingsley constantly put himself in danger to fight evil, making him an overall important character in the franchise.

6 Fleur Delacour

Fleur Delacour
Warner Bros. Pictures

Fleur Delacour is a secondary character who especially deserves recognition for the role she plays in the book series. While she helps Harry in the movies, her character gets a little more development in the books. We meet Fleur for the first time when she participates in the Triwazard Tournament in Harry Potter and the goblet of fire. She proves to be a strong contestant and makes it to the finals. Fleur returns later in the series as Bill Weasley's wife. She and a few others take the Pollyjuice potion to transform into Harry so he can be taken to safety. Whether she did so as further repayment for saving her sister in the fourth story, or because she married into Harry's best friend's family, her help in protecting Harry made her a deserving character.

5 Remus Lupin

David Thewlis as Professor Quirrell
Warner Bros. Pictures

Remus Lupin is a secondary character who plays more of a leading role, at least in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. In the third story, he takes the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts where he forms a close bond with Harry. Although he has a dark secret as a werewolf, Harry trusts him, and rightly so. Throughout the later years, Remus remains a strong guiding force in Harry's life, especially after his godfather, Sirius Black, dies. Remus is important not only to Harry, but also in the final battle against good and evil, where he gives his life in defense of Hogwarts.

4 Molly Weasley


As far as mothers go, Molly Weasley is easily the best strain, at least within the Harry Potter franchise. Although she was strict with her children, she loved them unconditionally and extended her love to those who needed her, especially to Harry, who lost his mother when he was a baby. Throughout the franchise, Molly shows her strength through her ability to love and care for those around her. Her best moment, of course, comes when she defeats Bellatrix Lestrange in a duel to save her children, while delivering the most iconic line in the entire movie franchise: "Not my daughter, you bitch."

3 Narcissa Malfoy

Helen McCrory as Bellatrix Lastrange
Warner Bros. Pictures

We had to add one "dark" character to our list of underrated characters, and none seemed a better fit than that Narcissa Malfoy. As the wife of Lucius Malfoy, a Death Eater, the mother of Draco Malfoy, a Death Eater in training, and the sister of Lord Voldemort's right-hand man, Bellatrix of Lestrange, Narcissa was doomed to a life of darkness. However, she showed her true colors when she lied to Lord Voldemort and told him that Harry was dead in hopes of escaping with her son. As a mother, you should praise her for her courage against true evil.

2 Beyond Dumbledore

Harry Potter Desiderius
Warner Bros.

Beyond Dumbledore is the brother of Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts. He gets more backstory in the books than in the movies, but that doesn't change his role in helping our three heroes. After Professor Dumbledore is killed by Professor Snape, Harry is at a loss without his mentor. Though Abeforth questions Harry's trust in his brother, he helps to be an inspirational source for Harry, even going so far as to open his house to help the students who left Hogwarts in the last films.

1 Hedwig

Harry Potter Hedwig
Warner Bros.

Yes, we know Hedwig is an owl, but let's face it, she's the best pet, and even friend, Harry could ask for. From being bought for Harry by Hagrid in his first year to literally sacrificing herself to save Harry later in the series, she was always there for whatever Harry needed. She was a friend and companion to Harry, helping him get through his summer with the Dursleys and away from his friends at school. Hedwig proved time and time again that she loved Harry without ever having to say a word. As for underestimation, we'd have to say her role tops the list.
