Difference between on-campus education and online education

On-campus education vs. online education! Is one better than the other? Can one completely replace the other? Indeed, it seems that online education is the way of the future. Educational institutions, companies and government organizations already offer various forms of electronic education. But can a computer really replace a teacher and a blackboard?

How people learn

Every individual has a form of learning that suits him or her best. Some people get great results with courses taught online, but most people drop out of 100% computer-based courses. Educational institutions, as well as companies that provide staff training, must recognize that there is no ideal way to deliver education to a large group of individuals, and so must design programs that best meet the needs of the group as a whole.

People learn by using multiple senses. This includes learning through both theoretical components of a course and social interaction with both instructors and other students. Students learn from each other's mistakes and successes, not just from what they're told by instructors.

Each individual student has an ideal learning pace. Teachers therefore face the challenge of designing courses that move forward so that students with a slower learning pace don't get left behind, while not going so slowly that students with a faster learning pace become bored.

Online education

In the age of rapid information transfer, online education is becoming a popular and inexpensive way to educate individuals outside the classroom, and in some cases around the world. Teaching can be done via CD, websites or via real-time online facilities such as webcasts, webinars and virtual classrooms. However, different methods of online education each have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Online education is still a relatively new concept and in many ways still in its infancy. As such, different issues arise in different online education environments. For example:

1. Lack of instant feedback in asynchronous learning environments: While some online education environments such as webcasts, webinars, and virtual classrooms operate live with the addition of an instructor, most do not. Education delivered through a CD or website, while having the advantage of being self-paced, does not provide immediate feedback from a live instructor.

2. More preparation required on the part of the instructor: In an online education environment, an instructor cannot just stand in front of a whiteboard and teach a lesson. Lessons in online education environments should be prepared in advance, along with any notes and instructions that may accompany the teaching.

In many cases, it would also be necessary for the instructor to understand not only the concepts being taught, but also the technology used to deliver that education. This therefore increases the skill levels required for online education instructors, placing greater demands on educational institutions.

Staffing levels may also be higher for courses taught in an online learning environment, which may require, for example:

The Instructor - able to both teach the course content and be proficient in the use of the technologies involved

The Facilitator - to help the instructor deliver content, but can do so remotely

Help Desk - to provide assistance to instructors, facilitators and students in using both software and hardware used to deliver the course.

3. Not all people are comfortable with online education: Education is no longer sought after only by the youth of the world. With an increasing trend towards adult education and continuing education, there is a need to design courses that are suitable for students of a larger age group, as well as students from different and varied backgrounds. However, it is difficult to set up online educational environments that are suitable for everyone.

4. Increased chance of frustration, fear and confusion: in an online education environment there are more parts of the system that can fail. Server failures can prevent online courses from working. Software-based educational applications may require other specific components to operate. Computer viruses can infect software needed to run online education environments. If these systems are complex, students may opt for the convenience of on-campus education rather than taking the extra time and effort required to master the use of online education systems.

5. The Digital Divide: Many people living in remote areas and developing countries do not have access to computers, making any form of online education virtually impossible. For this reason, online education can only be targeted at the people who are fortunate enough to benefit from the technology involved. Similarly, offering live teaching around the world means different time zones and nationalities increase the demand for multi-skilled instructors.

In addition, there are also some legal issues associated with maintaining an online education environment. For example, intellectual property laws, particularly those related to copyright, may or may not fully cover electronically created intellectual property. For example, information on a website is not necessarily considered public domain, even though it is available to everyone. However, the Australian Copyright Act was amended in 2001 to allow copyright holders of electronic materials, including online educational environments, to continue to offer their works commercially.

Education on campus

Still the most common form of instruction is traditional classroom learning. These instructor-led environments are more personal than online teaching environments, and also have the advantage of allowing instant feedback, both from and from both students and teachers. However, the classroom offers less flexibility than courses in online education environments.

Instructors in modern classroom environments can still benefit from various forms of electronic learning tools while still maintaining the atmosphere associated with the traditional classroom environment. For example, PowerPoint slides can be used instead of a whiteboard or blackboard. Handouts can be distributed through course websites prior to the event. However, on the day itself, students can still actively participate in the lesson.

Like online education environments, on-campus education has certain drawbacks, the most common of which is the classroom itself. This requires that a group of people, which may number several hundred at a university, gather in the same place at the same time. This requires an enormous amount of time and financial commitment from both the students and the educational institution.

However, it is this type of environment that is most familiar to students all over the world. People of all ages have access to a classroom and are comfortable with the way a classroom course is delivered. Older students who may not be comfortable using information technology do not have to navigate potentially complex online education environments, making on-campus education the most accessible form of teaching.

On-campus education has one advantage that 100% electronically delivered courses cannot offer: social interaction. Learning comes from observing not only what is on a page or presented in a slideshow, but also what is observed in others. Most students are curious by nature and will therefore want to ask questions of their instructors. The classroom environment allows students to clarify what is being taught not only with their instructors, but also with other students.

So, which is better?

There is no one style of teaching that best suits every student. Studies have shown (can replace online education on campus) that courses using online education to complement on-campus education have proven to be more effective than courses taught entirely with only one method. These courses use both online teaching materials and a live instructor, and have outperformed students in courses for 100% online teaching or classroom settings. Students benefit from the instant feedback and social interaction that comes with the classroom environment, as well as the convenience of online teaching modules that can be taken at their own pace when it is most convenient for the student.

It seems that online education environments will never fully replace on-campus education. There is no "one size fits all" method of teaching. Learning styles will continue to adapt to find the method that best suits the learning group. By using a mix of online teaching environments and classroom sessions, educational institutions, businesses and government organizations can ensure training is delivered that is convenient and effective for instructors and students alike.
