Best Action Scenes of the 2000s, Ranked

The 2000s: The decade Bush and Blair, through a series of puzzling events ostensibly fueled by their own selfishness, mind-boggling midlife crises and lust for bloodshed in the Middle East, waged war on Iraq and terror. It was a period of great economic uncertainty and a global recession not seen since the 1930s. It was also a time of natural disaster, with the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami devastating communities in and around the Indian Ocean, as well as Hurricane Katrina and Rita.

Perhaps these negative world events had something to do with the exciting, global actionsequences in 2000s movies, featuring now classic American action films set everywhere from Rome and Tokyo to Bruges and the fictional Middle Earth. There were some damn good action sequences in the 2000s, so let's take a look at the best.

8 Gladiator - Maximus takes on Tigris and the Tigers

Maximus in Gladiator

Gladiator is a movie full of unforgettable action sequences, including Maximus's exclamation to the stunned but hugely overwhelmed audience: "Are you not entertained?!" Apart from the opening battle between the Romans and the Barbarians, there is one scene that takes the cake. During the final stages of Ridley Scott's iconic historical drama, Maximus faces off against the undefeated warrior Tigris. A true giant of a man, with a formidable reputation for his gladiator prowess, Tigris Maximus dwarfs Tigris Maximus in the movie adaptation of David vs. Goliath.

With the addition of attempts to evade hungry tigers, as well as the 200-pound beast attempting to decapitate him in front of the evil Emperor Commodus (Joaquin Phoenix), Maximus' fearless tenacity in the art of combat is brought to life like never before. put to the test in what was a brilliantly executed piece of filmmaking.

7 Taken - "I will find you and I will kill you"

Liam Neeson in Taken from 2008

Taken is a film where you could assume that half the world's population can quote a sentence; another lightly educated guess would have a decipherment it's one of either "I'll find you, and I'll kill you" or "I have a very specific set of skills" although the bookmakers have stopped taking bets on those .

A chilling moment ingeniously cuts between a thrilling action sequence and the man listening to it on the other side of the world, when Bryan Mills' daughter is kidnapped by traffickers while hiding under the bed while on the phone with her father. As Kim (Maggie Grace) is gagged and restrained, Neeson's authoritative words reverberate throughout the film.

6 Kill Bill - The Bride vs. The Crazy 88

Kill Bill Part 1

It just wouldn't be a complete list without an appreciative nod to director Quentin Tarantino and the remarkable choreography involved in the creation of this scene from Kill Bill: Vol. 1. Uma Thurman, in her signature yellow tracksuit she loathed as The Bride, takes on the seemingly endless number of O-Ren's trained samurai sword-wielding assassins in the film's monochromatic climax. Filmed in visually stunning black and white, a tribute to the martial arts films of the 1960s and 1970s, the series has a genuine Tarantino trademark.

5 The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King – The Battle of the Morannon

Battle of the Black Gate - Lord of the Rings
New line cinema

Arguably the most memorable scene of all Lord of the Rings franchise is due in part to the fact that it takes place during the trilogy's climax in Return of the King, but also because it is by definition epic. The Battle of the Morannon, perhaps better known as the Battle of the Black Gate, takes place at the gates of Mount Doom as the Allies make a final attempt to divert Sauron's almighty gaze so that Sam and Frodo can continue their perilous mission. can complete. and destroy the ring. Unsurprisingly, the film won 11 Academy Awards, including Best Visual Effects and Best Editing, two of the many film attributes that made the Battle of the Morannon an all-encompassing, palpably thrilling affair.

4 Casino Royale - Scene with cranes

Casino Royale - Parkour Chase
Sony images

After this unnerving scene in Casino royale, Daniel Craig was nicknamed “Daniel Crane,” mostly by single dads, who deal in dad jokes, and whose wives just left them for their personal trainer. Craig's highly regarded debut as the hypermasculine British spy saw him climb, fight and leap from the hearts of those who suffered from vertigo as he battled hundreds of feet above the ground.

The intense Parkour sequence, which had the adrenaline junkies sweating, blushing (and god knows what else) with excitement, saw Bond climb a crane and battle the impressively acrobatic foe, before giving chase to an active construction site in one of the most explosive scenes of the decade.

3 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers – Helm's Deep

Battle of Helms Deep in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
New line cinema

While the Battle of the Morannon is probably the most important and best designed in Under the spell of the Ringperhaps the most action-packed, bloodiest and most brutal battle in the entire three-movie saga is the Battle of Helm's Deep in The two towers. Not only is the action between the Orcs of Isengard and the men of Rohan goosebumps-provoking, but the scale and attention to detail of the special effects are stunning. The battle is certainly a lesson not to be lost.

2 Shaun of the Dead - Don't Stop Me Now Pub Scene

Shaun of the dead-1
Studio Channel

In one of the best horror films of the 2000s, Shaun, Ed, Liz and their small entourage of apocalyptic escapees are held captive in The Winchester as they try to escape discovery and take refuge from the zombified madness taking place outside. Shaun of the dead. After Ed inadvertently alerts the zombies' elephant hearing, the group, armed with billiard cues, darts, and an antique shotgun, must fend off an onslaught of zombies to Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" soundtrack. It's a beautifully executed fighting sequence, made all the more impressive by the musical adaptation and use of character-based comedy.

1 In Bruges - Canal Pursuit

Man in suit looking worried or surprised
Universal images

In Bruges is not a film remembered for its dramatic stunts and monumental stage plays, and compared to its co-stars it is a relatively slow-moving and contemplatively funny film. There were certainly better 'action movies' in the 2000s, but few masterpiece action sequences are as good. In director Martin McDonagh's black comedy, however, the action sequence is a captivating foot chase with life and death consequences, and one of the most thrilling action sequences of the decade.

After Ray (Colin Farrell) is mercilessly chased by the psychopathic Harry (Ralph Fiennes) through the narrow, pebbled streets of Bruges in all its gothic, medieval gloryj. The film builds meticulously in the blink of an eye, the suspense and drama don't disappoint, and McDonagh's ingenious methods simultaneously support both the film's dry comedic undertones and a palpably tense atmosphere.
