'The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol' Episode 3 Recap: Nowhere To Go

Editor's note: The below recap contains spoilers for The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol Episode 3.

The last time we saw Carol Peletier (Melissa McBride) on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol, she had made it to Paris, France with her new friend and pilot, Ash (Manish Dayal), after first having to encounter a couple of murderous women in Greenland. Torn up with guilt about lying to Ash, telling him she had wanted to cross the Atlantic to find her daughter, she convinced Ash to stay behind while she went out on her own to look for Daryl (Norman Reedus). While the episode didn't end with her finding her zombie apocalypse BFF, she is much closer than she knows, having been taken in by Marion Genet's (Anne Charrier) army. The sadistic woman is looking for Daryl herself. Who will find him first? In the third episode, "L'Invisible," Carol finds herself in a life-or-death situation she might not be able to get out of.

'The Book of Carol' Episode 3 Reveals Marion Genet's Backstory

"L'Invisible" opens with a flashback to a world before the walker outbreak, with Marion shown to be a lowly janitor at the Louvre Museum in Paris. She is bossed around and called lazy as she watches a disrespectful crowd by the Mona Lisa, but she puts up with the insults, a stark contrast from the woman she'll become. On a break, her co-workers discuss walking out over the weekend as a way to fight for healthcare, but a negative Marion says that the government doesn't care about them. It's then that everyone's phones start to ding and alarms go off inside the building. Marion receives a call from her husband, who is outside to pick her up, where it's starting to become more chaotic with police everywhere. He tells her that the government has said to go home and wait. They agree to meet at the Louvre Pyramid, but unfortunately, the police won't allow her husband in or Marion out. They watch each other through the glass when, suddenly, the walkers make it to them. Marion can only look on helpless as her husband is killed right in front of her. Weeks later, she's living in a darkened Louvre with other survivors, where she still goes to the Mona Lisa and cries over the world lost.

We then cut to Carol looking at the Mona Lisa in a dining hall in Marion's compound as Genet approaches and talks to her about the painting. When asked who she is, Carol lies, saying she's a tourist who got stuck in France when the outbreak happened. This Marion is no longer weak, which she shows when a guard belittles a female member of the kitchen staff after dropping his tray of food. Marion forces him to get on the ground and eat it off the floor. Marion introduces herself and walks away, with Carol looking on, knowing this woman is trouble.

Daryl Fights To Save Laurent in Season 2 Episode 3

Meanwhile, back at the Nest, Sylvie (Laïka Blanc-Francard) is praying for the strength to keep Laurent safe even though Losang (Joel de la Fuente) is keeping her prisoner She manages to escape her cell just as the Union is preparing for the ceremony to prove how special the boy is. She is desperate to find him, believing that he'll be killed. As she tries to fight off Losang's men, she falls from a balcony outside to her death. Despite this, the ceremony continues. Laurent is given a drink to calm him, and then taken out into the courtyard in front of everyone. To prove that this boy is their Messiah, an undead Sylvie is released. "Her love will deliver us all," Losang says, with his thinking being that Laurent is so special that Sylvie won't attack him. This is, of course, so very wrong, and thankfully, Daryl, Isabelle, and Fallou (Eriq Ebouaney) find a way inside the Nest just in time to put the walker Sylvie down and save Laurent.

They hide from the Union, but decide to split up. With Laurent drugged up, Daryl tells him to wake up and take Fallou and Isabelle to the special place where they train. While Laurent and Fallou escape, Isabelle (Clémence Poésy) stays behind. Daryl goes in the opposite direction, killing Union soldiers as he does, until he is outnumbered and caught. When Daryl wakes up, Losang is looking down at him. He tells Dixon that he had hoped to convince him about Laurent's abilities. Losang says if he is wrong about the boy, then there's no point in living. He asks where he is, but you know Daryl isn't telling.

'The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol' Review: Fan-Favorite Characters Override the Show's Flaws

Daryl and Carol are back together and kicking ass; what more could a fan want?

We next see Laurent and Fallou hiding in a cave in the woods. It hurts the boy to know that others are being hurt because of a made-up story about him. He knows he's not special and that a bite from a walker would have killed him. Others wanted to believe the lie, but he seems to admire Daryl for never buying into it. Daryl could perhaps use a God right now though, because he's being held prisoner and now a caught Isabelle is next to him. He tells the woman he loves that they're going to break out in the morning and, to comfort her with his voice, he tells her a story about a man who wanted nothing more than to go home. He fantasizes about taking Laurent with them back to America where he can go to school, and where Isabelle can do whatever she wants. To her, that's a dream. She tells Daryl "I love you" and holds his hand. Losang comes to them in their cells wanting to explain himself to Isabelle, but she's past wanting to help him any longer. Losang has his men take Isabelle with them, leading to Daryl saying that he'll take them to Laurent. Losang doesn't care, telling Daryl that he's "beyond hope."

Carol Must Continue Lying To Get Closer to Daryl in Season 2 Episode 3

Carol stands in front of Marion in 'The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol' episode "L'Invisible"
Image via AMC

Carol is sent to work in a kitchen, which isn't what she wants, because she won't find Daryl there. Her new friend, Remy (François Perache), tells her that the group is getting ready to attack the Union, and, upon seeing the handcuffed hostages being led away, they decide to follow. They hide behind a door as the captors are shot and killed before a scientist injects them all, bringing them back as walkers. Remy tells Carol that Genet is trying to create a stronger breed of walker. "Great, that's just what the world needs," she tells him. Carol decides it's time to go look for Daryl and Remy's husband.

Carol goes around a dining room for the not-so-well-off, asking if anyone knows a man named Daryl Dixon, when a beaten and chained-up Stephane Codron (Romain Levi) calls out in a weak voice. He knows Daryl but isn't so sure about helping Carol, so she lies again, saying that Daryl is her brother and only surviving family member. Carol will manipulate everyone in her path to get to him. Codron tells her about the island fortress, but he tells Carol she needs to hurry, because Genet will kill him if she gets to him first. After speaking with Remy, who won't leave his husband behind, Carol decides to leave Marion's compound.

Carol briefly manages to sneak out of Genet's fortress on a horse, but it's not going to be that easy, as she's quickly caught and brought back. So just how was she found? Remy gave her up in return for being reunited with his husband and being sent back home to Paris. Marion threatens to send Carol to be part of her walker experiments unless she tells her what she is up to. Carol is honest now, admitting that she manipulated Ash into bringing her to France from America to find her daughter. Okay, she was half honest. Genet asks why Carol wants to find Daryl, and because our Carol is so smart and knows how to play people, she says she wants to kill him. This puts her and Marion on the same side in Genet's mind. Marion tells Carol that Daryl has aligned himself with some religious zealots in an island fortress. Her people are going to attack tomorrow, so if Carol wants to kill Daryl, Marion will take her to him.

The next day, Marion rides by the remains of the Louvre with Carol, where she talks about her humble beginnings. A flashback shows that she lived with dozens of weakened and scared survivors there. She tells Carol about the paintings, how they sought hope in the chaos from God, but to her, religion is just a way to control people. The Union wants to control others with fairy tales, but she will prove to them that they're wrong. In the cover of night, Genet's soldiers begin the drive to the nest, with Carol sitting right next to the leader. They stop to rally the troops, but this isn't your normal speech to pump everyone up. Instead, these people are there to die, turned into Genet's super walkers to fight the Union. Marion tells Carol she will be among them and this is how she'll get to kill Daryl. As the episode ends, Carol is rounded up with the rest at gunpoint, and with nowhere to go.

New episodes of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol are available to watch every Sunday on AMC and AMC+.


The Book of Carol keeps raising the stakes by introducing Carol to someone that she might not be able to outsmart.

  • Carol continues to develope a well-rounded character by how easily she maniuplates others.
  • Daryl finding romance gives him a reason to keep going beyond saving Laurent.
  • Marion Genet is becoming one of the franchise's better bad guys.
  • Losang feels like a pretty thin villiain.

